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The Adjudicator is a village-aligned role. Every night they can examine a player to determine whether they are capable of killing or not.

Role Type

  • The Adjudicator is seen as member of the village by the Seer.
  • The Adjudicator is not seen as a user of witchcraft.
  • The Adjudicator is seen visiting by the Harlot/Stalker/Familiar.
  • The Adjudicator is not seen as a killer by another Adjudicator.


  • You cannot distinguish between village-aligned killers (e.g. Huntsman) or evil (e.g. Vampires or Witches).
  • All werewolves, even those that do not actively kill, such as Bloodhounds, are considered killers.
  • The roles you will see as killers are: All wolves, Huntsman, Maple Wolf, Militia, Witch Hunter, Zealot, Furie, Warlock, Witch, Familiar Militia, Vampire, Vampire Master, Necromancer, and Voodoo Doctor.


  • 2019-01-01

    Introduced in ext-300