This is a log of a game of werewolves started on the 28th July 2016 on a 24 hour cycle (12h day, 12h night).
This is a spoiler free version, use the user button (top menu) to see who was alive at the time, and the calendar button or links below the chat to navigate through to different days.
You can play a game of online Mafia by joining the game currently in sign up. New players are welcome, but try to be active!
Obiwan was killed during the night
- Day 7
The sun rises, the village is safe from the werewolves for now. Discuss who you think is a wolf, soon you will get a chance to lynch them
Active during the last day
Active during the last day
Active during the last day
Active during the last day
Active during the last day
Active during the last day
Active during the last day
Wed 10:04
Maul, you feel different today?
Wed 10:12
it's not me, all I can say
Wed 10:16
Maul said he's gonna be active throughout the day today
Wed 10:18
I think we are kinda doomed
Wed 10:39
It's still me..
Wed 10:40
So, 5 left, at least two wolves dead now:)
Wed 10:41
Mace or lobot main suspects now
Wed 10:41
But if 2 wolves then one of kylo/rey wolf too?
Wed 10:42
Everyone should vote early
Wed 10:43
And speak up!
Wed 10:43
Kylo/rey there??
Wed 10:43
GD or harlot want to step up...?
Wed 10:44
I'm still me. Can't really figure out who would've been the best target for SS. Maul's a bad choice
Voting is now open to lynch the next werewolf
Wed 10:45
yeah probably me
Wed 10:45
mace or me I have to agree with Maul there
Wed 10:49
Well for you, I would examine closely the way lobot speaks:)
Wed 10:49
Kylo has kinda been flying under radar whole game I feel
Wed 10:50
yay you rember \o/
Wed 10:50
Wed 10:50
This is what I think from village kills: Palp wolf, han wolf, Leia villager,
Wed 10:51
I'm starting to suspect that he might have shifted into Kylo or Rey, hoping that we lynch one of the confirmed villagers
Wed 10:51
Rey though, a bit close to lynch yesterday
Wed 10:52
But eventually kinda cleared
Wed 10:52
Only really cleared on basis han was more likely wolf
Wed 10:53
Obi SS is likely, need to read everything obi said again
Wed 10:54
I'm not sure if it is a good idea to switch into one of us three
Wed 10:54
we (I started talking yesterday) a bit more than the other two
Wed 10:56
I made it pretty clear I was going to vote obi today, would be a good one for messing with my head to kill him... But then that means i just assume he's someone else so what's the point in wolf kill?? I think obi must be as because of that
Wed 10:57
Must be SS*
Wed 10:57
Damn auto correct
Maul votes to put KyloRen on trial
Wed 10:57
Don't drink an type
Lobot votes to put KyloRen on trial
Wed 10:58
I'm on a train
Wed 10:58
I can drink to my heart's content
Wed 10:58
Kylo would make a convenient shift for Obi because both are rarely online
Wed 10:59
No real suspicion on him either
Wed 11:00
Yes, the inactive village problem rears its ugly head
Mace votes to put KyloRen on trial
Wed 11:02
Does game end when straight away if it's 2 wolves, 2 villagers left?
Wed 11:21
I guess so. At least that's what Lobot and Han said yesterday
Wed 11:22
I really hope there's only 1 wolf left (ss) and it's either Kylo or Rey.
Wed 11:25
I won't be active for the last 5 hours today so Kylo needs to speak up for me to change my vote
Wed 12:13
hey guys
Wed 12:13
this is quite a tense situation
Wed 12:15
I agree SS is obv last night, and confirmed wolves must be han/palp/obi
Wed 12:16
So we have SS target, who could be anyone
Wed 12:17
And we have potentially one more wolf, which weirdly I think is likely as I can't see where another wolf dies, (but please someone have a look for this as it could be critical for tonight)
Wed 12:17
So if we have no other wolf, we need to find SS
Wed 12:18
If we have 1 more wolf, it is out of me and Rey (I have double checked this and triple checked it, and i cant see any other way).... so that puts me in awkward spot as yesterday wolves went for Rey, which is why this has been stumping me tbh
Wed 12:20
So i believe either Rey is also a villager and other wolf was killed earlier in the game and wolves jumped on the Rey wagon, OR Rey was a sacrifice to save him, knowing full well Han would get the lynch they might as well clear a wolf
Wed 12:20
If you are looking for trust in me, please look at day 4, where i voted palp, please look at day 5 Where i Was FIRST to vote Hansolo
Wed 12:21
I think Leia was wolf. Han voted against her late at night but his actions tied the votes and maybe it was a way to protect Palpatine from getting lynched (possibly an important role).
Wed 12:22
Kylo, your past actions don't mean much because I suspect you have been shifted into (tonight)
Wed 12:23
Well, out of SS targets you and lobot would be my prime suspect... so there we go
Wed 12:24
I don't see why SS would go for me, when I am the only villager not to be cleared? It is obvious village would be suspicious of me today? it would be like a quadroople bluff
Wed 12:25
It is obvious village would be suspicious of me or Lobot today, that's why
Wed 12:27
So why would they pick me?
Wed 12:27
You or Rey
Wed 12:28
why... is what I'm asking
Wed 12:28
Whoever speaks the least today must be Obiwan on his family vacation with shitty internet connection :)
Wed 12:29
So you don't think it is me now?
Wed 12:29
I have to defend myself here, i have 3 votes
Wed 12:30
It is tense situation, I dont know about Rey being wolf, but if they were pretending to sacrifice him, knowing full well that Hansolo would get lynched by night, then that has just won them the game
Wed 12:31
If i die it's possible it will end tonight 2-2
Wed 12:32
unless wolf died earlier, I kind of agree with Leia being possible, if Hansolo saw a chance to tie between Leia and Palp last second, maybe thats what happened
Wed 12:32
In which case it is just SS to hunt down
Wed 12:33
I don't know how to check the log properly for if it tied the votes or not
Wed 12:33
I also don't have the most time to check for SS grammar and consistencies etc. but I will try
Wed 12:33
Maul was commenting when the votes happened
Wed 12:35
As he was saying "now Palp dies", HanSolo voted for Leia. So Maul immediately corrected himself: "now it's level"
Wed 12:35
And then Vader cast the last vote for Leia and she was lynched. It all happened at the last minute
Mace votes to put Rey on trial
Wed 12:36
I'd like to hear from ObiRey too
Wed 12:37
the name indication tells already what you want to know ;)
Lobot votes to put Rey on trial
Wed 12:47
When I said now palp dies it was 3-2 palp-leia, then han levels as I was typing that, I think his vote actually appeared before my text as it was all happening at once
Wed 12:47
Then vader switches so that kills leia
Wed 12:48
Leia will be really thankful to vader I'm sure
Wed 12:57
Kylo - village only killed 3 people. So if you believe luke was HM then there are only 3 wolf dead if Leia was wolf. So either you think we killed a wolf (Leia) early on unopposed by other wolves (only i spoke for Leia and then vader eventually right at end by switching votes leia to han before then changing back.. I think vader did this on reflection of han levelling vote rather than just messing about, I.e. there was just time for Vader to see vote change and then switch again) or there are still 2 wolves.
Wed 13:01
I don't really see the point of sacrificing rey with SS about
Wed 13:07
I don't think I'm going to be convinced on Leia being wolf :/
Wed 13:08
Yes, you're right it's either Leia was wolf, so only SS is left. OR it is Leia was not a wolf, so 2 wolves left, in which case I know it is Rey and SS
Wed 13:10
So for me I'm thinking one person has been wolf all along
Wed 13:10
you say Rey + Ss because you found rey suspicious before?
Wed 13:10
So I don't mind going for Rey and then trying to find SS or other way around
Wed 13:10
same here
Wed 13:10
I wasn't suspicous of Rey necessarily, but Rey and Me are the only ones not cleared by Vader
Wed 13:10
I was on the edge for rey yesterday
Wed 13:11
For me either rey or kylo is wolf as I don't believe Leia was wolf.
Maul votes to put Rey on trial
Wed 13:12
That is fair, I am openly suggesting that too
Wed 13:14
Rey being late in voting throughout (sitting on fence) and not voting palp yesterday when I asked for it so save himself (votes lobot I think) is wolfy
Wed 13:14
To save himself*
Wed 13:14
Or did he vote obi? Hm lemme check
Wed 13:16
It was obi, that's not helpful
Wed 13:16
Who do you think SS is?
Wed 13:17
I feel at point rey votes obi there was chance obi could be killed, and if obi was SS and palp was wolf also then they would prefer palp dead, so why doesn't rey just go alone with it
Wed 13:20
I was about to write a defense, but better to leave rey come up with the reasons why he is villager
Wed 13:21
Wed 13:38
Maybe obi the SS has simply selected rey because rey voted him and is an easier person to imitate than I am. Maybe the thinking by wolves was also that village would pick confirmed villagers mace, lobot or maul for SS target also.
Wed 13:45
I am suspicious of Mace, he was quiet most days, then today comes out straight away, claiming to not be SS
Wed 13:46
Then as soon as heat is on me, he jumps on, claiming that I am SS target, which i found odd
Wed 13:47
Then it switches to Rey, and suddenly me and Rey are both fine, and still no real reason given to why I am SS
Wed 13:50
But this is more for tomorrow, (if game continues and/or I am still alive)
Wed 13:50
You and Rey are not both fine by me
Wed 13:51
My vote is on Rey right now
Wed 13:51
But you were claiming I was SS before that.. and still didn't answer really why
Wed 13:54
Shifting into a confirmed villager would be expected. This late in the game it might be better to shift into an unconfirmed villager (you and Rey) as village would start to look for ss targets among confirmed villagers
Wed 13:57
Does that make sense?
Wed 13:58
It was between you and Rey until you started talking
Wed 13:58
Now I suspect Rey
Wed 14:07
If obi was SS and now its rey then the other wolf is kylo. Lobot/mace/maul cleared already by vader who obviously can't have been SS'ed into if obi was SS.
Wed 14:08
Or, game ends tonight as Leia was wolf
Wed 14:08
If only Leia didn't go afk all night
Wed 14:13
I agree with Kylo being a potential wolf. But I think we should lynch Rey as a potential ss because she's so quiet (family vacation perhaps?). If game over, good. If one of the confirmed villagers dies, we lynch Kylo.
Wed 14:14
Because we're not in an agreement about the number of wolves left
Wed 14:19
Your certainty on Leia makes me suspicious
Wed 14:21
It's beginning to look like we still have 2 wolves left. Kylo said I'm suspicious because today I came out straight away claiming not to be ss. But so did everybody. Then he claimed I didn't give a reason for suspecting him being ss. I had actually said before that I started to suspect unconfirmed villagers.
Wed 14:22
So he proposed we lynch me tomorrow if he is still alive
Wed 14:22
But the reasons are not valid
Wed 14:24
How does my certainty on Leia make me suspicious?
Wed 14:31
Do you think I was ww all along? Did Vader lie? Or do you think I have been shifted into? Because I have always accused Leia, it's not a today-thing.
Wed 14:36
Right now our best guess about ss is the most quiet one because Obi didn't have much free time or access to internet. 4 of us have talked enough today.
Wed 14:36
If there is still one wolf left it's probably the unconfirmed one - Kylo
Wed 14:37
Not probably - definitely
Wed 14:38
*mic drop*
Wed 14:39
Yes, kylo is wolf if obi was SS
Wed 14:39
Wed 14:40
Ref Leia, SS could have gone to you, then simply continued your belief Leia was WW... To make me come to conclusion it is rey+kylo:)
Wed 14:41
True. But I've been online way too much today for a family vacation
Wed 14:43
The fact you call it family vacation does more for your favour than being active IMO, obi could simply be lying all along as a convenient reason to stay quiet and innocuous
Wed 14:43
Did obi ever call it a family vacation..? I thought he said holiday
Wed 14:44
With family
Wed 14:45
Actually he said vacation
Wed 14:46
Oh, you were looking for text patterns
Wed 14:46
I like Maul's play this game
Wed 14:46
Yes, a difference, but you both say vacation
Wed 14:47
Oh hi Lobot
Wed 14:48
Would you agree that if obi was SS into rey then other wolf (assuming Leia villager) has to be kylo?
Wed 14:50
First of all, you're still the same pesky and pedantic guy from the days before (yes that's a compliment)
Wed 14:50
So I don't think it's you
Wed 14:51
I was on the brink of voting for Rey yesterday, but changed my mind because of all the strange voting stuff Han pulled off
Wed 14:51
I think kylo is NOT SS'ed, I checked some of the stuff he wrote on day 4, and the pattern seems to match
Wed 14:52
Lmao pesky and pedantic
Wed 14:52
but since English is not my native language, I probably missed some stuff, and I kinda trust Maul with that Judgement
Wed 14:52
I don't know how Obi being SS makes me wolf
Wed 14:53
I've not been back through the kylo chat to compare yet
Wed 14:53
Maul :) you're super active, you question every word, and you put a lot of effort into it. Reminds me a bit of 43 Legolas, just more structured.
Wed 14:55
Kylo - it's because we have to believe vader was real seer and he cleared maul, lobot and mace.
Wed 14:55
Yes, I believe that to...
Wed 14:55
so I guess it's just a math thing
Wed 14:55
if none of us three seems changed, we have to go for the non confirmed
Wed 14:55
But SS could be any of you guys
Wed 14:56
that's why Maul goes after vacation vs. holidays
Wed 14:56
Yes, rey is not 100% of course
Wed 14:56
just be super alert
Wed 14:56
Well if that is the case, then SS is Rey and other wolf was leia and game with end tonight
Wed 14:57
But if game doesn't end tonight and you vote me the next day, wolves win, this is why i am a bit stressed now
Wed 14:58
what stresses me the most is that we almost got no info, yes 3 confirmed town, but no other roles revealed anything right?
Wed 14:58
I'm super unhappy with my play because I'm just guessing at this point
Wed 14:58
Yes, but it must be bad luck, similar to how Vader must have actually checked no wolves in like 5 checks
Wed 14:58
Only seer and HM came forward yes
Wed 14:59
Similar to how I am left only uncredited villager here, but with SS, it is not the case anymore
Wed 14:59
I'm just guessing since days, going on my feelings and some weird actions of others
Wed 15:00
and I blame myself for playing way more passive than 43, where there was stuff to go on, stuff to discuss
Wed 15:00
I think the fact that Rey has said nothing, is increasing my suspicion that he might be SS, but then that means Leia was wolf and game ends tonight OR Leia wasn't wolf and then SS still lives
Wed 15:02
If Leia wasn't wolf and SS still lives then after wrong lynch tonight game over anyway - wolves win 2:2
Wed 15:03
I was in 43 also
Wed 15:03
Yes, game might well end tonight
Wed 15:03
I hope not!
Wed 15:03
Lot of time spent
Wed 15:04
It's only really got going when all roles dead!
Wed 15:04
The only way game can end tonight if we kill Rey, is if ME + SS live
Wed 15:04
If game ends tonight then either village lost or I completely misread leia
Wed 15:04
and I am wolf
Wed 15:05
Isnt that right?
Wed 15:05
Or if Rey is only wolf left yes
Wed 15:06
If we kill Rey and she's the last wolf, then game over too
Wed 15:06
Yes, but Maul was suggesting "I hope not"
Wed 15:06
so i figured he meant village loss
Wed 15:06
Who are you suspecting kylo?
Wed 15:07
I am suspicious of everyone, but obviously least you, because of amount of activity and most clear style
Wed 15:08
I have 2-3 theories right now
Wed 15:08
I think I would have probably been lynched if vader didn't clear me.
Wed 15:09
Theories letsgo
Wed 15:09
yeah I like theories
Wed 15:12
Well if Leia was a wolf, then there is 1 wolf left which is the SS, my prime suspect right now is Rey for inactivitiy, but that is quite a loose bet, I could also see it being one of you guys, just because Obi was on holiday with bad internet, is convincing, but I have seen that before
Wed 15:13
If Leia wasnt a wolf, then there are two wolves... the SS and Me or Rey, obviously I know its not me, so it would be Rey + SS
Wed 15:13
if there are 2 we lost anyway
Wed 15:14
No, not if we get both of them tonight and tomorrow?
Wed 15:14
if it's not rey
Wed 15:14
Wed 15:15
Yes, but from my point of view I know its not possible
Wed 15:15
But you guys cannot know that, I agree
Wed 15:19
as I said I wanted to go for rey yesterday, so I have no problems with that vote
Wed 15:20
You think Rey was ww yesterday?
Wed 15:20
I didn't think so if I'm honest
Wed 15:20
Oh u mean Lobot
Wed 15:21
Yes, I was asking Lobot
Wed 15:23
I said yesterday that I found his comments and so on pretty unhelpful
Wed 15:23
I read through the first few days, and it basically consisted of one-liners with some emoticons in it
Wed 15:23
Anyway, For now, or at least until/if Rey speaks it looks to me like most likely theory is: Leia was a wolf, HanSolo tried to tie day 4 vote last minute, Obi has shifted into Rey and game will end tonight
Wed 15:24
That would be awesome if we got all lynches right
Wed 15:25
I'm just worried that if it doesn't end tonight that SS lives, and you will lynch me for being the only unconfirmed the next day, and then the SS wins
Wed 15:27
Don't you vote, Kylo?
Wed 15:28
I just like voting late, unless I'm not certain I will be on
Wed 15:35
One last question before I go for tonight - does anyone of us seem different today?
Wed 15:38
Just in case they kill me tonight: if we all seem unchanged and lynching Rey (ss) won't end the game, we have to hang Kylo tomorrow.
Wed 15:41
Kylo led the voting for Han yesterday. A large block of text and then voted for han after I had voted obi.
Wed 15:41
That seems odd to me
Wed 15:42
On basis I think han was wolf..
Wed 15:44
Kylo - assuming leia is villager who will you go for as 2nd wolf? do you think Mace is wolf?
Wed 15:54
This is a nice thing to come on to…
Wed 15:55
So idk how to prove to you I'm not "ObiRey"?
Wed 15:56
do you believe Leia was villager rey?
Wed 15:56
Defend yourself by making an argument for someone else, there might be 2 wolves still
Wed 15:57
If it's someone else then SS seems likely - so who did SS go into?
Wed 15:57
Check how people act/type compared today compared to previous days
Wed 15:58
What time they speak perhaps
Wed 15:58
Idk if Leia was a villager or not but I'll share my points based on the worst case scenario that she was
Wed 15:59
Kylo is suspicious because (a) he suddenly became active today and (b) we have almost nothing from the past days to check his typing style against
Wed 16:00
Quiet village is a dead one..
Wed 16:01
… exactly my point
Wed 16:02
Another person that could be SS'd into was Mace?
Wed 16:03
The confirmed villager SS is obvious but could work- and Mace has been quiet as well
Wed 16:05
So I think Maul is the same and Lobot is probably the same as well
Wed 16:10
So it would have to be Kylo or Mace- I'm more suspicious of Kylo but that's just what I think
Wed 16:11
However ir Leia was a villager and Obi was SS we're looking for two more wolves
Wed 16:13
If Obi took the easy route and decided to SS into a confirmed villager (Mace) and Leia wasn't a villager then the final wolf would have to be someone not checked by Vader …
Wed 16:15
So since I know I'm not a wolf … our four wolves have to be Palp, Hans, ObiMace and Kylo
Rey votes to put Mace on trial
Wed 16:23
So you reckon obi was SS and went into mace?
Wed 16:23
And Leia not wolf so kylo is wolf
Wed 16:36
Yeah that would have to be it…
Wed 16:36
… unless somehow Leia was a wolf but we can come back to that train of thought after we decide what to do with this SS problem
Maul votes to put Mace on trial
Lobot votes to put Mace on trial
Lobot votes to put Rey on trial
Wed 18:32
Maul you found rey that convincing?
Wed 18:40
Don't see why kylo votes han yesterday
Wed 18:40
Don't think Leia wolf
Wed 19:06
So we have heard from everyone now. Any opinions on SS? I think our decision on SS will decide game. Well, also I guess if Leia was not a wolf, then you will also have to decide between me and Rey at some point for the 4th wolf, but from my point of view this is obviously secondary
Wed 19:08
I was also quite sure Leia was not a wolf Maul, but I'm not certain now if I think Han was trying to tie it. I really don't know, because I do find it strange that wolves didn't try and save her, but maybe she was inactive/unhelpful to the wolves so they let her go?
Wed 19:10
Either way for me it is actually easier, because if Leia wasn't a wolf, then I know the wolves are Rey + SS and if Leia was a wolf, then it is just SS
Wed 19:13
My suspicions on SS are this: I was initially suspicious of Mace/Lobot primarily then Rey/Maul secondarily
Wed 19:14
But after today's talking everyone has had me convinced a bit at different points, but my order is probably Mace/Rey/Lobot/Maul now, but it's close, and I can go into further detail if necessary
Wed 19:15
If we vote for Mace, and Rey was wolf and Lobot was SS, we lose tonight, that is my fear on one hand, even though i find this somewhat unlikely - WP if it is.
Wed 19:17
If we vote for Rey, from my point of view, I know the game can only end if Rey was SS and Leah was wolf, which means we win, but if it doesn't end, then I know it is just SS left. But you guys wont know that for sure, so it will be stressful
Wed 19:18
Maul, I trust you most right now, even if you are suspicious of me, we need to find SS, do you have opinions on that?
Wed 19:25
I'm most convinced by Maul being Maul today
Wed 19:30
I'll need to log on to PC and read the chat properly but your vote for han is annoying because it just doesn't add up with you being wolf.. Maybe that was your plan idk. Rey being away most of day much like obi always was doesn't help.. I guess comparing obi to rey is important for me
Wed 19:32
I have no idea why Vader checked lobot in first place as for me lobot was the most villager of all up to yesterday, I'll have to compare lobot text too.
Wed 19:32
Lots to read!
Wed 19:42
I'm going out for a meal so I should get back about 1 hour before nightfall and then read it then
Wed 20:04
Yes, I will try and compare stuff too, although I'm not great at it. I also have a vote to cast, and I might have to be on iphone for rest of night, so I wont be able to re-read too much or too easily
Wed 20:06
Also guys, please note I ended up voting for Palp on Day4 on Maul's advice, I was really not sure who to vote, I could have easily voted for Leia and justified it, most of the village had done at that point.
Wed 21:04
ok we can't let it stay tie, from my point of view it makes almost no difference who I vote for out of Rey and mace, and I'm ignoring lobot for now
Wed 21:06
thoughts? Maul have u re-read? Lobot thoughts?
Wed 21:28
will read a bit
Wed 21:29
so basically... do i think Rey or Kylo was always a wolf + do I think anyone is different from previously
Wed 21:29
it's kinda difficult..
Wed 21:31
you should vote now kylo
Wed 21:32
Rey: Mace, Lobot... Lace: Rey, Maul
Wed 21:32
2 vote each right now
Wed 21:32
Wed 21:34
what time is it for you lobot
It's not that kind of roleplay, Maul.
Wed 21:35
oh wait
Wed 21:35
gotcha :D
Wed 21:35
what time lobot??
Wed 21:35
I'm confused
Wed 21:35
guys I'm on phone so I can't search back thru text
Wed 21:36
what time is it where you are right now
Wed 21:36
That easily
Wed 21:36
Maul do you trust lobot?
Wed 21:36
If game doesn't end and u die tonight I'd like to know ur thoughts
Wed 21:36
I've always trusted lobot
Wed 21:37
The \o/ got me lol
Wed 21:37
But I'm not sure
Wed 21:37
im reading now though sorry i cant answer
Wed 21:37
I'm still confused by the mod comment^^
Wed 21:37
I'm talking about who wants lace...
Wed 21:37
Wed 21:38
basically time has run out i think and I will trust lobot
Wed 21:38
I wanted to trust you
Wed 21:38
so.. 2 wolves from kylo/rey/mace
Wed 21:38
so I went for the one you voted on, then you switched
Wed 21:39
we have 20 minutes, I'm suspicous of rey because he's super silent until he gets accused
Wed 21:40
while Kylo is more active today, but he had those phases before
Wed 21:40
Wed 21:40
I don't know how to judge mace
Wed 21:40
I'm pretty suspicois of both of them and it's possible they both wolves but it's also possible one is wolf
Wed 21:41
Maul what's your first pick?
Wed 21:41
honestly dont know yet
Wed 21:41
and my text takes 5 seconds to appears which is annoying the fuck out of me
Wed 21:41
same for me
Wed 21:41
we need to both be on same person thats for sure
Wed 21:41
if two wolf - vote swing at end likely
Wed 21:41
I will go with what u say then too
Wed 21:42
can you vote now kylo for someone
Wed 21:42
But decide at least 5 mins before
Wed 21:42
Yes who?
Wed 21:42
whoever you think!
Wed 21:42
i want to see what you go for!
Wed 21:43
Well id vote Rey because it's only combo game we can't lose tonight
Wed 21:43
If I go for mace and lobot/Rey is wolves we lose
Wed 21:43
im gonna go have a look at mace previously compared to today
Wed 21:43
Although u saying u trust lobot and me kinda trusting lobot makes it unlikely but it's not worth risk for me
Wed 21:44
I think game might end for village win if we vote Rey but i don't know with much certainty
Wed 21:44
my problem is as a not native speaker I'm super bad at comparing English text
KyloRen votes to put Rey on trial
Wed 21:44
what country are you in lobot?
Wed 21:44
I think I've got dyslexia of some kind
Wed 21:44
Wed 21:45
But I'm not great at it either
Wed 21:45
Maul u said something interesting to me about mace when he said 'vacation'
Wed 21:45
Did obi use it or neither or both?
Wed 21:45
on day 2 i thought we were on same time.. but we are not now?:/
Wed 21:46
obi used vacation, same as mace used... I was hoping there was a difference
Wed 21:46
why? Isn't this slight more proof of SS?
Wed 21:47
Most people say holiday no?
Wed 21:47
Maul, I'm already obvious to some players who played with me before, I try to avoid telling my local time
Wed 21:47
I don't know though I'm uk where we do
Wed 21:47
if I tell my local time, I'm in a small space of players which are not UK and not US tz
Wed 21:47
Yes better to keep that out of it for future games
Wed 21:48
so do we go on a super silent rey who only speaks when accused, or we go on holiday/vacation?
Maul votes to put Rey on trial
Wed 21:51
So we staying like this?
Wed 21:51
I'm off then
Wed 21:51
I just read over mace
Wed 21:51
couldn't find a difference in text
Wed 21:52
he writes all names with the first letter capital, uses lots of commas..
Wed 21:52
I'm going with Lobot and Mace being the same people...
Wed 21:52
now I'm confused
Wed 21:52
so it's between Rey and Kylo... or both
Wed 21:53
what you mean by that?
Wed 21:53
ah I got it :)
Wed 21:53
I think kylo would take a big risk with his activity
Wed 21:53
so there is more chance of him being detected what writing style goes
Wed 21:53
he wrote a lot today
Wed 21:54
while I found that Rey didn't engage in big conversations, and used single statements most of the time. keeping it short
Wed 21:55
that's my reasoning going for Rey
Wed 21:55
If I die tonight, I would probably go for ....
Wed 21:55
damn wish i had an extra 15 mins
Wed 21:57
I think I would go for Mace, because he's the easiest SS I think of the confirmed ones
Wed 21:57
not that I found him suspicious during today
Wed 21:58
ahhh i can't load yesterdays chat
Wed 21:58
Remember what I said… Mace and Kylo are the wolve's
Wed 21:59
which one
Wed 21:59
Wed 21:59
say one
Wed 21:59
i vaguely remember you accusing obi earlier in game rey
Wed 21:59
that is what I was looking for just now
Wed 21:59
but i can't find it
Wed 21:59
Obi is Mace
- Night 7
Night falls. As the village sleeps the werewolves begin to stir and decide who to eat tonight...
Rey was lynched by the village