This is a log of a game of werewolves started on the 28th July 2016 on a 24 hour cycle (12h day, 12h night).
This is a spoiler free version, use the user button (top menu) to see who was alive at the time, and the calendar button or links below the chat to navigate through to different days.
You can play a game of online Mafia by joining the game currently in sign up. New players are welcome, but try to be active!
Vader was killed during the night
- Day 6
The sun rises, the village is safe from the werewolves for now. Discuss who you think is a wolf, soon you will get a chance to lynch them
Active during the last day
Active during the last day
Active during the last day
Active during the last day
Active during the last day
Active during the last day
Active during the last day
Active during the last day
Active during the last day
Tue 10:19
rip the seer
Tue 10:19
do we have ANY roles left?
Tue 10:23
Is it even worth the protector coming forward if still alive? Harlot and GD surely dead.
Tue 10:24
The good news is there is at least one wolf dead or game would have ended :)
Tue 10:25
Only 1 kill by wolves in night - either 2nd kill was blocked, we killed alpha wolf (really crap wolf if so) or used already like Luke said
Tue 10:26
Or maybe not used yet but that would be pretty odd too?
Tue 10:30
Good sumary
Tue 10:30
So who is that one wolf minimum... Either Leia, Palp (lynched) or quigon/dooku (Huntsman kill).. If you believe Luke then Leia or Palp
Tue 10:31
Maybe both, that would be something
Tue 10:31
are there any confirmed town besides me left?
Tue 10:31
But other wolves then let them BOTH die? Can't see it
Tue 10:31
Me and you were confirmed at same time by vader from 2 days ago.
Tue 10:32
Vader yesterday confirmed mace
Tue 10:32
well 3/7 isn't that bad
Tue 10:32
the problem is we lack any kind of information about the other 4
Tue 10:32
Well, han saved palp
Tue 10:33
Last second vote
Tue 10:33
yes, and he changed his vote again last minute yesterday
Tue 10:33
But yesterday ok to kill palp? Dunno, would need to look again
Tue 10:33
he switched the last minute to palp
Tue 10:33
Oh yea, in late stages
Tue 10:34
Day before it was literally the last seconds of day
Tue 10:34
I said yesterday that I found that a really odd move
Tue 10:34
Well I was happy to kill han yesterday, I'll have a read again but I doubt anything will change today
Tue 10:35
I won't be here today for late stages
Tue 10:35
I think it could be good for the protector to come out, but it's way too late for a good chance of a counterclaim
Tue 10:35
so does it really help?
Tue 10:36
can we verify it..
Tue 10:37
I was a big fan of the 43 solutions, reveal roles while there is still someone to counterclaim
Tue 10:37
We can't verify
Tue 10:37
Unless harlot appears, which I really doubt
Tue 10:38
the odds are kinda stacked against us
Tue 10:38
with 5 vanillas and apparently no role left
Tue 10:39
But with 7 left, we will be lynching tonight, so 5 tomorrow likely. If protector can save himself then yea maybe come forward
Tue 10:40
we need to find one
Tue 10:40
else GG
Tue 10:40
I'm just not sure if Han is the tooooooo obvious choice
Tue 10:41
on the other hand, isn't the simple solution often the best?
Tue 10:42
Who else would you pick?
Voting is now open to lynch the next werewolf
Tue 10:49
Obi? He's been quiet the last few days?
Maul votes to put Obiwan on trial
Tue 10:54
No more roles is interesting, not been in a game before this 'early' with all roles dead. Lot of guesswork coming up!
Tue 11:28
Wonder if SS has been used, Luke to vader doesn't make sense with vader dying. Vader being SS all the time would be very lucky for wolves killing real seer. Quigon/dooku I don't think makes much sense as too early. Mara no way. So village got lucky with killing SS or still alive.
Tue 11:29
They have their pick of targets for tonight
Tue 11:43
If SS has NOT been used and Seer claim is real, then it seems to me that everyone has been cleared except for me/han/rey/obi am i right?
Tue 11:44
I just skimmed thru back on last few days (couldn't see it all, I just don't have enough time to really read it, I WISH i did!!)
Tue 11:46
my initial hunch was Qugion doing an SS, but as Maul pointed out, if vader was 100% (which he must be, unless it is some ridiculous fake seer + SS last night manouvre?) so it can't be Quigon
Tue 11:48
So i was looking for other SS spots... and I don't see any clear ones
Tue 11:50
Maybe only that I overlooked Luke, please read back on day 4, but Vader came out AFTER him, so he couldn't have known to not protect him... that would have been luck
Tue 11:50
But as soon as heat was on him, he could have claimed a dead role, and as soon as heat was off him, he went quiet again
Tue 11:51
Then to back this up it also seems fairly strange kill for wolves that night, when they could have gone straight for Vader no?
Tue 11:51
Tue 11:59
And out of all the targets to choose for SS, surely they would have gone for a cleared villager from seer (Maul/Lobot/Quigon) and Quigon was dead, so Maul or Lobot... and I would say they would have chosen Lobot because Maul would be much harder to impersonate at that stage
Tue 12:02
So overall that puts 2-3 wolves out of me/han/rey/obi/lobot/Maul IF luke was SS if no SS then 2-3 wolves out of me/han/rey/obi, which would be easier, but that is all I can see for now, let me know what you think
KyloRen votes to put HanSolo on trial
Maul votes to put HanSolo on trial
Tue 12:54
just skim read that but yea sounds good, I have to go now and not sure I will be back before nightfall for long
Tue 12:54
in about 5 hours for awhile i'll be back
Tue 12:56
might want to read back and comparing writing styles when looking for SS... or look back on Han/Obi/Rey/Kylo text to see who they defend/attack and why.. is it a real attack or just fake etc
Tue 12:56
back later
Tue 12:59
I agree with Kylo that I would/would have been a good SS target, I know I can't proof that I'm still the same person since I kept myself back a bit in this game anyway.
Tue 13:09
So are we assuming SS has shifted already?
Tue 13:10
Also, I wasn't too active the past few days because I'm on vacation with my
Tue 13:11
Sorry, sent already. My bad.
Tue 13:11
I'm on vacation with my family, so there's always something happening, so I won't be on at the same time every day/all day every day.
Tue 13:12
In addition, I did tell you all about my wifi issues. So suspecting me because of "inactivity" won't get you anywhere.
Tue 13:41
I'm undecided on the SS issue, but at least we know we've killed at least one wolf
Lobot votes to put HanSolo on trial
Tue 14:54
My theory is, Luke and Vader were telling the truth. That means we have 2-3 wolves out of Kylo, Rey, Han and Obi. Looking back at how they voted and what they have contributed I'd say Rey is a good bet. She didn't vote for Leia but voted for Palpadine and I'm not sure Palpadine was a good lynch because everybody was happy with it.
Mace votes to put Rey on trial
Tue 14:56
Han is shady as hell too but I can't let go of how he had beef with Leia on Day 4
Tue 14:57
I told vader for days to check me, now he's dead. Well played
Tue 14:57
Also, I don't think SS has happened yet
Tue 14:57
idk know anyome about SS
Tue 14:58
I think the only safe ones are Maul and me, due to the fact that we write a lot.
Tue 14:59
But I do think vader and luke were the real deal. This kinda brings rey into question because atleast luke was very suspicious of her.
Tue 15:00
Vader wanted to check her last night if I remember right.
Tue 15:00
I just go by odds and they tell me Luke and Vader were telling the truth. That leaves no time for SS to shift into a confirmed villager. Unless, of course, they shifted previously into a random unconfirmed villager which doesn't make sense to me
Tue 15:03
Well there where enough confirmed after vader revealed
Tue 15:03
and that was like 3? days ago?
HanSolo votes to put Rey on trial
Tue 15:04
I'm voting for Rey for now. Let's see what she has to say
Tue 15:04
2 days ago. Night kills have been Luke and Vader and I think they weren't SS
Tue 15:05
good point
Tue 15:11
If wolves outnumber village then game over?
Tue 15:11
because no vote will go through I think
Tue 15:12
yes wolves have to tie and will win
Tue 15:18
HanSolo, yesterday you said your main suspects were Maul and Vader. Today you say they're both safe. Care to explain?
Tue 15:19
First before I explain I said I'm not sure about Vader
Tue 15:21
HanSolo Mon 23:58 maul Mon 23:58 vader Mon 23:58 maybe palp not sure
Tue 15:21
I read back a bit and did think about it a bit more. With vaders death things kinda cleared a bit unless it's some weired meta play.
Tue 15:21
Read the whole log
Tue 15:22
My suspicion about maul is mainly based of the events from day 4, like he does with me
Tue 15:23
If Vader was real then "his" villagers are clear, no?
Tue 15:23
I think now there is now way of lynching Maul, to many facts we know or have to assume as right point to him as villager
Tue 15:23
If he's wolf then good game well played to him
Tue 15:23
Tue 15:23
we have to assume that
Tue 15:24
I don't think he got shifted into so they can then kill their own guy
Tue 15:24
so it seems he was just that unlucky seer
Tue 15:24
That was the main thin with him that bugged me
Tue 15:24
his checks
Tue 15:24
I don't think they can kill a wolf at night
Tue 15:24
and his decision who to check
Tue 15:25
you can't I think
Tue 15:25
I honestly don't know but I would be surprised if you can't. Just takes away options
Tue 15:26
my vote is on you because of your last minute vote changes
Tue 15:26
But you have to agree vaders checks where so unlucky
Tue 15:27
That's fine @lobot, I explained it can't do much more
Tue 15:28
I see why he checked me
Tue 15:29
But think about it and if you read the logs from the other days. I got suspicion since day 3 and I'm still alive. Ofc there is the chance that I'm wolf but village can't blindly ignore that I may be alive for a reason.
Tue 15:31
I'm not sure if living long with suspicion qualifies as villager^^
Tue 15:34
not at all but depends how much control wolves have over the village
Tue 15:35
true, a death of an "exposed" person with certain suspicions can confirm those
Tue 15:36
I think maul and you are kinda in this position
Tue 15:36
a death of either of you could swing the mood, but at this time it's probably too late :/
Tue 15:37
so tldr: who do you think are the wolves left?
Tue 15:41
kylo rey obi
Tue 15:41
everybody else is cleared by vader
Tue 15:43
btw. as an SS check for me, if I suddenly write proper English without tons of errors I got probably SS'ed
Tue 15:44
I do think regardless who we may or may not lynch today, key will be to spot the SS tomorrow
Tue 15:44
If there already was a SS we might already have lost
Tue 15:44
rey has voted for many strange ppl.
Tue 15:45
rey posted many stange links the first days
Tue 15:45
Lobot votes to put Rey on trial
Tue 15:50
just search through everything he said, either wolf or very unhelpful town
Tue 16:50
I'm in agreement.
Obiwan votes to put Rey on trial
Tue 16:50
If Rey va
Tue 16:50
It keeps sending too early, sorry.
Tue 16:51
If Rey can put up a good defence before nightfall and convince me not to vote for her, I'll change my vote.
Tue 16:51
She has five hours.
Tue 17:39
Oh well this is a nice thing to come back to...
Tue 17:40
So idk what you guys expect me to defend against? I've already started that I'm just a villager so don't have anything "useful" to contribute...
Tue 17:41
Lobot, Edgar exactly have i said that was unhelpful? Trying to play devil's advocate on the various theories that have been proposed, trying to encourage alternative thinking in case the one that was being pushed forward was being pushed by a wolf?
Tue 17:46
Edgar -> what
Tue 17:52
The only other thing I want to point out is that (as someone else mentioned yesterday?) Han's "seer should check me tonight" makes me suspicious because (a) we all knew Vader was probably going to die and (b) he seemed to discount that he might be the lycan ... I don't think a villager would invite a check like that knowing that they might be seen as a wolf anyway unless they knew that the seer wouldn't be alive to call in the result?
Tue 18:07
Rey gets nominated, puts up a weak defence, and then casts suspicion elsewhere. Bravo.
Tue 18:09
you didn't really give me much to defend against...
Tue 18:09
and I've just caught up on the backlog, and this made me chuckle: "She didn't vote for Leia" ... that's 'cause you lynched her the day that I was away until after nightfall...
Tue 18:11
And I can confirm that wolves can't target other wolves (although I've not been given a straight answer about whether the BH can check wolves)
Tue 18:13
Why would the BH need to check wolves?
Tue 18:14
That makes no sense.
Tue 18:14
to bluff a harlot
Tue 18:14
And how can you confirm that wolves can't target themselfs?
Tue 18:14
because I tried it in a previous game (and opened a feedback request afterwards to suggest that it should be possible)
Tue 18:18
yeah I hope he puts it in.
Tue 18:26
I'm back but only for short period of time..
Tue 18:28
Mace - if Han is shady as hell then lets vote him as most likely wolf. You are ruling him out for today because he had beef with Leia as you put it on day 4.... and you also say Palp was easy to kill as everybody happy with it but that was the same as Leia?
Tue 18:29
Obiwan was a bit silent and then on the Rey bandwagon imo
Tue 18:30
Rey - who said "seer should check me again?"
Tue 18:31
it is quite a suspicious thing to say
Tue 18:31
not sure if that was Palp or Obiwan
Tue 18:34
Mace - you say 2-3 wolves out of Kylo, Rey, Han and Obi. Let's kill Han please. Not voting for Leia IMO doesn't mean much, since I didn't vote Leia either.. speaking up for or against Leia would be more of a sign.
Tue 18:35
Rey vote Han and Mace change vote?
Tue 18:35
Mace if you think Han is dodgy, and is 50% wolf by pure odds ("2-3 wolves out of Kylo/Rey/Han/Obi") then that's worth a vote on Han
Tue 18:37
urgh I don't have time to go back and check Rey strange voting like what Lobot said. If someone can point that out then I can read just before nightfall. Gotta go now
Tue 18:39
Rey - you should try find fault in what others have said, there's a couple of wolves about at least.
Tue 18:45
I would put order of suspicsion Han, Obi, Rey/Kylo close... Maul/Lobot cleared by VAder 2 days ago, Mace cleared by yesterdays Vader
Tue 18:45
I would say I am quite likely to die tonight - if I'm alive I will be on throughout the day tomorrow
Tue 18:45
if game continues>_<
Tue 18:45
now i really gtg
Lobot votes to put HanSolo on trial
Tue 19:13
My suspicions are still on Obi, even more so now?
Rey votes to put Obiwan on trial
Tue 19:15
But a split vote also doesn't help the village so I'll consider checking it late in the evening (especially if more people talk)
Tue 19:17
(To Maul, if you've not realised by now, I don't like being hurried into making decisions...)
Tue 19:23
My plans just got cancelled so back again
Tue 19:23
Glad to hear you will consider coming back to change vote rey?? Lol
Tue 19:26
I'll probably be back around 2030 BST
Tue 19:27
Trying to nap before my housemate comes home...
Tue 19:27
... failing at it miserably though
Tue 20:38
D: I overnapped
Tue 20:53
it's 3-3 at the moment and obviously I don't want to get lynched, so I'm gonna switch my vote for Hans
Tue 20:54
I'm still sticking by my feeling that Obi is a wolf, but Hans is my second choice (at this point in time, is there anyone else it could be?)
Rey votes to put HanSolo on trial
Mace votes to put HanSolo on trial
Tue 21:55
You're suspicious of me why?
Tue 21:56
Oh, right, it's because I voiced my suspicions of you.
Tue 21:56
Rey won't be lynched tonight, but I'm keeping my vote on her.
Tue 21:57
I believe Han is most likely a wolf. But I don't want to make a last minute vote change.
Tue 21:58
I'm voting you tomorrow obiwan
Tue 21:58
Obi, less that you voiced suspicions on me - I think that's a natural thing to do - and more how you voiced them; after I gave my "defence" you gave a very opinionated comment about it being "weak" that appeared to be an attempt to discredit it, but without actually saying what was wrong with ir, or explicitly stating that you didn't believe me
Tue 21:59
That's if game continues..
Tue 21:59
Early voting is important Rey, it helps village
Tue 21:59
I wanted to put obi under pressure yesterday
- Night 6
Night falls. As the village sleeps the werewolves begin to stir and decide who to eat tonight...
HanSolo was lynched by the village