This is a log of a game of werewolves started on the 28th July 2016 on a 24 hour cycle (12h day, 12h night).
This is a spoiler free version, use the user button (top menu) to see who was alive at the time, and the calendar button or links below the chat to navigate through to different days.
You can play a game of online Mafia by joining the game currently in sign up. New players are welcome, but try to be active!
Quigon was killed during the night
Dooku was killed during the night
- Day 4
The sun rises, the village is safe from the werewolves for now. Discuss who you think is a wolf, soon you will get a chance to lynch them
Active during the last day
Active during the last day
Active during the last day
Active during the last day
Active during the last day
Active during the last day
Active during the last day
Active during the last day
Active during the last day
Active during the last day
Active during the last day
Active during the last day
Sun 10:03
What do we think guys: huntsman or alphawolf?
Sun 10:11
we're 7-4 atm, that's getting awfully twitchy
Sun 10:11
i'm kind of hoping alpha
Sun 10:12
I'd say huntsman, probably Quigon was a wolf and Dooku was huntsman
Sun 10:13
there's always SS too
Sun 10:13
Quigon was suspicious to some people, would be silly for the wolves to kill him?
Sun 10:13
what's SS got to do with it?
Sun 10:13
i still don't understand how that one works :/
Sun 10:15
anyway, got to go out
Sun 10:15
back later
Sun 10:16
I think GD should come forward
Sun 10:16
and Seer
Sun 10:16
and Harlot
Sun 10:16
Sun 10:28
Harlot last?
Sun 10:30
GD should check Dooku / Quigon tonight
Sun 10:30
then come forward tomorrow
Sun 10:31
ooor, hmm
Sun 10:31
do we have a protector in this game?
Sun 10:32
Seer first then
Sun 10:32
Yes we have protector
Sun 10:34
I don't know if it was Alpha or Huntsman
Sun 10:34
Quigon was quite active
Sun 10:34
Huntsman makes much more sense to me, given the targets
Sun 10:35
So Dooku protected someone and Quigon was wolf?
Sun 10:35
that would be my guess
Sun 10:35
GD can confirm easily enough, check one of them and if they're wolf/huntsman then that's what happened
Sun 10:36
well - there's the chance that it was an alpha kill that took out the huntsman... but
Sun 10:36
idk, seems unlikely?
Sun 10:37
I think we should operate under the assumption that we've lost the huntsman because it's the "worst-case"
Sun 10:37
one role down and alpha still has their ability
Sun 10:39
hm Seer definately needs to come forward
Sun 10:39
like 100%
Sun 10:39
do you agree?
Sun 10:40
Idk, I'm generally against Seer reveals buuuut with a BH in the game they do need to happen sooner
Sun 10:41
seer will have 3 checks, that's three confirmed villagers at worst.. but then that's also three SS targets
Sun 10:41
Sun 10:41
Seer might well have checked Quigon
Sun 10:44
BH also 3 checks, Seer is lucky if still living tomorrow, even if BH doesn't find Seer it narrow down options
Sun 10:44
so, anyone want to claim seer then?
Sun 10:50
I don't trust Vader
Sun 10:53
not Palpatine
Sun 10:53
Voting is now open to lynch the next werewolf
Maul votes to put Palpatine on trial
Sun 11:00
I think seer should reveal today; GD tomorrow.
Sun 11:01
Harlot whenever they have solid and vital information.
Sun 11:02
I suppose Harlot could accidently reveal protector so don't want that
Sun 11:03
really Seer should come forward now
Maul votes to put Luke on trial
Sun 11:27
in the absense of any roles I say kill Luke, he is active but silent day 2 and yesterday comes in and suggests a joke killing then just dissapears without contributing anything
Sun 11:27
quiet village = dead village
Sun 11:39
Luke = Mark Hamill
Sun 11:40
Mark Hamill = Joker
Sun 11:40
and joke killings are Joker's speciality
Mace votes to put Luke on trial
Sun 12:06
Seer is probably dead then
Sun 12:56
I'm not exactly certain on Huntsmen role, can Huntsmen protect themselves?
Sun 12:57
If not, then it is either an Alphawolf kill, or Quigon is a wolf and got killed at the protected target of huntsmen?
Sun 12:58
so its either 7-4 or 8-3
Sun 13:04
If Seer has wolf info, definitely should come out, no question about it
Sun 13:05
But if Seer only has village info, is the question, would it be overall helpful? maybe because if protector is alive, at least can survive one more night, and if harlot is alive, can get info on wolf visiting seer
Sun 13:09
what do you mean village info? As in X, Y and Z are clear villagers?
Sun 13:13
Do you think it is worth Seer coming out if he only has villager info, I should say
Sun 13:13
well it's not ideal but if Seer is killed tonight I think it is game over
Sun 13:13
I'm kind of leaning towards yes
Sun 13:13
it's too much a risk not to come forward now
Sun 13:14
I think so too, and hopefully protector is alive and that buys another night then
Sun 13:14
if Harlot has wolf info, I also think come forward, but I guess that is obvious right now
Sun 13:15
Other thing to decide I think, is when to start lynching, if no one comes forward
Sun 13:15
if no role info then lynch tonight
Sun 13:15
that's what I think
Sun 13:16
either Vader or Luke
Sun 13:17
I'd like to hear from Lobot, Luke, Leia
Sun 13:18
Anyway, hopefully seer/harlot comes forward with some info, I'll check in later
Sun 13:18
really need to hear from all, Obi/Palp hardly said anything
Sun 13:26
huntsman can't protect himself if I understand right, he would just be killed but the wolf would survive.
Sun 13:26
In case he protects someone else he sacrifices himself and takes a random wolf with him
Sun 13:28
Lobot was inactive yesterday
Sun 13:28
says the game, but he spoke
Sun 13:29
he answered "no" early in the morning
Sun 13:29
in what I thought was an unwolf like manner:)
Sun 13:29
ok maybe bugged again
Sun 13:30
yep looks like it
Sun 13:31
i meant to go back and check who was inactive day before compared to who actually was but not got round to it
Sun 13:32
what time zone are you in Han?
Sun 16:19
Sun 16:19
such a dead village
Sun 16:26
Maybe we deserve to die if we don't share info with the village
Sun 16:43
I believe that the alphawolf used his power and Han is right, Huntsman can't protect himself
Sun 16:50
Maul seems very suspicious to me. Always eager to vote and jumps from person to person without any real information
Luke votes to put Maul on trial
Sun 16:52
Also, Maul used the word "kill" instead of "lynch" earlier. That's ww talk
Sun 16:52
Maul also says things such as, "who's up for a random lynch? And wants us to reveal all the roles
Sun 16:53
I'm also interested in revealing roles. Get shit started
Sun 16:54
But all the roles at once?
Sun 16:55
The seer first
Sun 16:55
No. I'm just really hungry for info
Sun 16:57
Luke if I was wolf would I sit here making accusations, no, I would say nothing like you as everyone knows a silent village is dead
Sun 16:57
At the moment it feels like wolves sniff out our roles and kill them. And we don't even fight back. Everyone withholds information
Sun 16:58
It is like that mace
Sun 17:00
Why do you think alpha used power Luke?
Sun 17:00
I think the seer alone should reveal that way they can be protected by the huntsman, and I suppose huntsman could come out too that way we would know if he died so that the seer could be protected/watched by harlot the next night assuming they are alive
Sun 17:02
Do you suspect anyone at all Luke? Other than me of course.
Sun 17:02
Huntsman coming out?
Sun 17:04
It looks like seer might well be dead, will you vote someone if no reveals Mace?
Sun 17:04
Sun 17:05
I'm tired of this sitting duck game
Sun 17:05
why is luke not defending himself?
Sun 17:05
Luke has just gone again without answering me
Sun 17:05
I am getting ready for work
Leia votes to put Luke on trial
Sun 17:06
better do it quickly, then
Sun 17:06
I was busy yesterday and will be again today so I will have to re read everything tonight. I said the alphawolf used his power last night because I am the huntsman
Sun 17:07
oh i see, that's why you were so sure
Sun 17:07
i was about to use that against you, actually
Sun 17:07
as "how did he know both are alpha kills"?
Sun 17:08
Are you still here Luke?
Sun 17:08
If seer comes out I can protect them for tonight
Sun 17:08
Who did you guard so far
Sun 17:08
Yes but I have to leave for work now
Sun 17:08
im not sure about this reveal so quickly
Sun 17:08
Sun 17:08
would have been better to lay a trap
Sun 17:09
why reveal the hm role immediately, it's your trump card
Sun 17:09
and if you're a wolf, you'll know no counterclaim
Sun 17:09
(because hm is dead)
Sun 17:09
Kylo first night cause he is top of list, then quigon cause he talked a lot and last night vader
Sun 17:09
i do not believe luke
Sun 17:09
Sun 17:09
top of the list? meh, smells like bullshit to me
Sun 17:10
Then Leia I am now suspicious of you as well
Sun 17:10
im lynching luke, expecting quigon to have been a wolf
Sun 17:10
Why Vader last night?
Sun 17:10
why top of the list, is my question?
Sun 17:10
seems like this excuse has been used numerous times
Sun 17:11
and yet i don't think anyone actually does the top of the list thing
Sun 17:11
because everyone knows to avoid it
Mace votes to put Leia on trial
Sun 17:14
I tend to believe Luke
Sun 17:14
I won't vote him tonight as it stands
Sun 17:14
Not sure how we can
Sun 17:15
Kill the only role reveal? Don't think so
Sun 17:16
but there's no counterclaim possible if he's a wolf and it was not an alpha kill
Sun 17:16
that's the problem.
Sun 17:16
i dunno
Sun 17:16
the reveal was TOO quick.
Sun 17:16
Yes it is, a natural fake at this stage in game
Sun 17:16
why not use the reveal as a trump card?
Sun 17:16
after voting and allegiances etc
Sun 17:17
The guy had 3 votes on him and he had to go afk for who knows how long
Sun 17:17
but no, he had to reveal it immediately.
Sun 17:17
I wish he said more, like when is he back
Sun 17:17
and the top of the list thing? it is difficult for me to believe it.
Sun 17:17
It could be he was only here for 15 mins today and that's it:/
Sun 17:18
I want to know why Vader last night
Sun 17:18
Sigh, role reveal and gone
Sun 17:18
yes, but i keep hearing this "i was away" excuse from wolves, mainly
Sun 17:18
but i do believe he had to go
Sun 17:18
I was guessing
Sun 17:18
top of the list guessing? ;/
Sun 17:18
just too convenient of a reply.
Sun 17:19
it's like you picked the most "logical" thing, when it's not one
Sun 17:19
if i am wrong here, apologies, but the chances of that to me seem low, actually
Sun 17:19
people want to randomize and people want to "guess" right, it's like lottery
Sun 17:19
The fact that you are so opposed to me being huntsman makes me believe you are a wolf
Sun 17:19
picking someone from the top isn't "playing the game"
Sun 17:20
the fact that you immediately think that someone who questions your story is a wolf
Sun 17:20
makes me more sure of you being a wolf
Sun 17:20
Luke why Vader? Just a guess?
Sun 17:20
a villager should be more likely to see the point of view of other villagers, perhaps?
Sun 17:20
How do you choose who to protect first night Leia?
Sun 17:20
depends on the mood, what's been said
Sun 17:21
and guess
Sun 17:21
it's never just "top of the list" though
Sun 17:21
i claimed to have checked someone "top of the list" when i played as a wolf
Sun 17:21
There was only 1 line from quigon
Sun 17:21
it worked.
Sun 17:21
Yeah nobody spoke first day except once
Sun 17:22
Since only 1 line I don't think it's that hard to believe
Sun 17:22
Luke votes to put Leia on trial
Sun 17:22
Luke will you tell me why you guarded Vader?
Sun 17:22
even if it were just his guess, he'd have to assume
Sun 17:22
that wolves would actually attack using the same method
Sun 17:22
Was it just a guess?
Sun 17:22
"top of the list"
Sun 17:23
which is NEVER done, due to it
Sun 17:23
so, it's poor play / poor reasoning to me
Sun 17:23
fishy, still.
Sun 17:23
if someone provides some critical information before night fall
Sun 17:23
Hi guys, back for a little
Sun 17:23
i will reconsider
Sun 17:23
but for now, i am firmly staying on luke
Sun 17:23
I want to chip in whilst we're all talking
Sun 17:23
I guarded vader because he was talkative
Sun 17:24
I'm glad you did Luke
Sun 17:24
I'm the seer
Sun 17:24
Here we go
Sun 17:24
So who did you check, why and in what order?
Sun 17:25
My checks have been mostly useless, though I have 3 confirmed villagers, one of whom is now dead :/
Sun 17:25
Sun 17:25
was one of the checks on them?
Sun 17:25
Yes, Quigon first night
Sun 17:26
Solely because he was the only one to speak on day 1
Sun 17:26
i see, hm.
Sun 17:26
i am tending to believe alpha kill more, then
Sun 17:26
Then I checked Maul
Sun 17:26
not sure if you need to reveal
Sun 17:26
the third
Sun 17:26
And last night Lobot because I briefly found him suspicious
Sun 17:26
Sun 17:26
All 3 are villagers
Sun 17:27
Too late :x
Sun 17:27
well, there's time until nightfall, mace
Sun 17:27
Now harlot needs to read that
Sun 17:27
could have used that information
Sun 17:27
as an advantage.
Sun 17:27
ah well
Sun 17:28
I don't think it really helps, but I thought it was good to tell now
Sun 17:28
Luke guarded kylo night 1, quigon night 2 and Vader night 3. Vader checked quigon night 1, maul night 2 and lobot night 3.
Sun 17:29
yea, i guess.
Sun 17:30
So quigon being villager still means it could have been alpha or huntsman
Sun 17:30
yes, but the chances are higher of it being alpha
Sun 17:30
Sun 17:30
in a weird way.
Sun 17:30
I think more likely alpha because I think quigon was likely target
Sun 17:31
before both had to be villagers to have it be alpha
Sun 17:31
now just 1 has to be
Sun 17:31
i might be wrong, probability can be confusing ;D
Sun 17:31
i am still wary of believing either immediately.
Sun 17:32
but if no counterclaim for luke or vader, i'll go with it
Sun 17:32
maul, luke, vader, lobot, leia are cleared from my point of view
Sun 17:33
So assuming seer is real... And Luke.. 4 wolves from: Kylo, Leia, Rey, Han, Mace, Pulp
Sun 17:33
i agree with the fact that we have to lynch an active
Sun 17:33
if that's what you are getting at
Sun 17:33
I believe Leia is a wolf because she finds it unbelievably hard to believe Luke
Sun 17:34
it is a bit too convenient, isn't it?
Sun 17:34
am i the only one who doesn't want to immediately believe the most convenient story?
Sun 17:34
This is bad. If vader is seer and I protected him last night I can't protect him tonight
Sun 17:34
At least we have something to work with now
Sun 17:35
What time zone are you Vader?
Sun 17:35
When will you be on tomorrow/ next week?
Sun 17:36
i am a bit worried how convenient it is that vader can't be protected this night
Sun 17:36
Sun 17:36
Vader gone now as well?
Sun 17:36
this is ALL too convenient.
Sun 17:36
again, just 3 villagers checked, 1 dead
Sun 17:36
"i am glad you protected me, i am the seer"
Sun 17:37
i think the seer is probably dead, luke might actually be lying or might be telling the truth (both are still possible, even if vader is a wolf)
Sun 17:37
Sun 17:37
but, there's fuck-all we can do without counterclaims
Sun 17:37
Wanna lynch Vader?
Sun 17:37
so, if no counterclaims, i'll believe them.
Sun 17:37
there's no way we CAN'T believe them
Sun 17:37
other than by purely guessing
Sun 17:38
Yea, not good
Sun 17:38
my "top of the list?" questioning is only razorthin
Sun 17:38
it's suspicious, but probably not suspicious enough.
Maul votes to put Palpatine on trial
Leia votes to put HanSolo on trial
Sun 17:39
i have 2 people i can switch between at the moment
Sun 17:39
one is han solo
Sun 17:40
other i will not mention yet
Sun 17:40
not sure, if palpatine is third or not
Sun 17:40
will be back later, before night fall
Sun 17:40
Sun 17:41
i just fear that the bloodhound did its job
Sun 17:41
What do you think Mace?
Sun 17:41
and we have a dead seer and a likely dead huntsman
Sun 17:41
there is a chance that vader+luke collaborate on this
Sun 17:41
there is also a chance that vader is improvising based on luke protecting him
Sun 17:41
I'm quite convinced Leia is a wolf
Sun 17:42
I believe Luke over Vader right now
Sun 17:42
i believe both, mace is getting irratating
Sun 17:42
and its weird how mace does not understand my reasoning
Sun 17:42
I do understand it
Sun 17:42
or doesn't see why i would think luke is suspicious
Sun 17:43
then explain in full detail please
Sun 17:43
why you think i am a wolf
Sun 17:43
You're very keen on lynching the only roles who have come forward
Sun 17:43
I don't like how Vader has just popped in, came out as seer and gone again.
Sun 17:44
Someone with more knowledge that any
Sun 17:44
Sun 17:44
i am not as keen on believing a role claim
Sun 17:44
He gave us all he knew, didn't he?
Sun 17:44
i don't see how you find it suspicious
Sun 17:44
or how you can possibly do so
Sun 17:44
when there have been PLENTY of fake seer claims in the past 10 games
Sun 17:45
like half the games are fake seer claims
Sun 17:45
and you find my disbelief wolf-like? are you kidding me?
Sun 17:45
You're too aggressive, sorry
Sun 17:45
Yea maybe he did mace, but he offers nothing more? Like who to kill tonight or what strategy to follow for later game
Sun 17:45
ive also said that if we get no counterclaim, i am willing to go with seer/huntsman claims as they are
Sun 17:45
He's only the seer
Sun 17:46
as we have nothing better to go with.
Sun 17:47
With 4 people dead and all killed by wolfves we kinda have to assume there is the possibility of atleast 1 dead role maybe more
Sun 17:47
They might have been lucky got read on seer killed him and now fake claimed
Sun 17:48
I think Quigon might have had a role
Sun 17:48
It is a golden opportunity to clear some wolves
Sun 17:48
Another problem
Sun 17:48
He was suspected a lot, would have been better to let him live if he would've been only a villager
Sun 17:48
assuming luke is HM
Sun 17:49
only protector can protect vader this night if he is still alive (protector do not come out!!!)
Sun 17:49
so in case vader keeps on living
Sun 17:49
we should question him and those he checked
Sun 17:49
keep that in mind
Sun 17:50
regarding why 2 deaths tonight
Sun 17:50
obviously there is a chance luke fake claimed
Sun 17:50
but I think it is more likely Alpha used his ability
Sun 17:51
Leia has to be a wolf. I think she switched to Han because she knows she can't convince you guys to lynch me, the huntsman but now that she knows I can't protect vader tonight I am not a threat to her. I have to go and won't be on again because I'm at work. Don't trust Leia
Sun 17:51
just for reference
Sun 17:51
you still got your vote on leie?
Sun 17:52
Mace first then Luke second have votes on Leia
Sun 17:52
Leia has vote on Han, Maul has vote on Palpatine
Sun 17:53
you can hover of the number of votes against each person's name to see who voted for them and in what order
Sun 17:53
a recently added feature
Sun 17:53
Sun 17:53
you can? cool
Sun 17:53
Sun 17:55
If I had to name people right now, I would go for vader / leia
Sun 17:55
luke's information wasn't that bad actually
Sun 17:55
so I would trust him a bit more
Sun 17:56
it's unfortunate Seer took so long to come forward
Sun 17:56
well those checks are not that helpful and we are so far in this game
Sun 17:56
seer might really be dead
Sun 17:56
I'll be voting for one of these 6: Kylo, Leia, Rey, Han, Mace, Palpatine
Sun 17:57
do not forget out of 15 seer would see 5 wolves because of lycan
Sun 17:57
so first night chance of 1/3
Sun 17:58
second night worst case 4/14 if wolves killed lycan
Sun 17:58
I don't think the wolves got lucky and sniffed out the seer out of 10 people
Sun 17:58
it is unlikely
Sun 17:59
yeah but seer checks have a pretty high chance to get a wolf result
Sun 17:59
thats what bugs me
Sun 17:59
Are we that unlucky?
Sun 18:00
actually my math is wrong it is even worse
Sun 18:00
first night 5/14 (seer himself knows he aint wolf)
Sun 18:01
second between 5/13 and 4/13
Sun 18:01
you are casting doubt on Vader, right?
Sun 18:01
I would have thought he got atlest one wolf read
Sun 18:01
Sun 18:01
it's more than likely
Sun 18:03
*******************Luke (HUNTSMAN) guarded kylo night 1, quigon night 2 and Vader night 3........ Vader (SEER) checked quigon night 1, maul night 2 and lobot night 3.... so HARLOT if you are alive you may have seen this, to confirm the information or refute it...
Sun 18:05
Harlot if you are alive, and can vouch Seer check... AND are not cleared by Vader then you have a very good view of the game right now
Sun 18:06
1st night: odds of seer not catching a wolf (9/14) vs odds of wolves finding the seer (1/10)
Sun 18:06
I tend to believe Vader
Sun 18:06
I think we have to just based on the odds
Sun 18:07
as much as I don't want to:)
Sun 18:07
Oh come on counterclaims
Sun 18:08
actually I missed off OBIWAN from my list... believing Vader/Luke means 4 wolves from 7.... Kylo, Leia, Rey, Han, Mace, Palpatine & Obiwan
Sun 18:09
you still want to vote Leia, Mace?
Sun 18:15
OBIWAN and PALPATINE haven't offered anything today
Sun 18:17
Leia's disbelief is based on past 10 games where there have been fake seer claims, but in this game odds are much more in favour of true seer claim
Sun 18:18
The "too convenient" argument is quite weak
Sun 18:20
Since I definitely want to lynch someone tonight, I think she is a good start with her agression towards Vader and Luke
Sun 18:25
Hello, I have read everything and I'll give you my input later as I'm just sitting down for dinner now.
Sun 18:35
@Maul, I was at cinema, sorry, timezone is London (GMT+1)
Sun 18:37
Leia backed off eventually (like a smart wolf would do) but at first she speculated that BH did its job and that "the seer is probably dead". Curiously she talked about "chances" just before, proving she knows how to form an opinion based on odds.
Sun 18:39
Little things like that. And her total disbelief of the whole "top of the list" thing - suspicious.
Sun 18:40
I may be confusing people, but I'm sure Maul mentioned odds and statistics, so I checked him, he's clean so it's not necessarily a telltale sign of a wolf
Sun 18:41
Tbh I was considering checking HanSolo last night
Sun 18:42
But since I had mentioned suspicion of Lobot I checked him
Sun 18:42
Turns out my suspicions were unfounded
Sun 18:43
I had thought with there being many wolves that my odds of finding one would be great, but I still haven't found one, so just bad luck
Sun 18:47
I read that last game about how someone mentioned odds is likely wolf and thought it was crap:/
Sun 18:47
I didn't mean that mentioning odds makes you a wolf
Sun 18:48
I've heard that IRL games use that as a tell and thought you were referring to that
Sun 18:49
I meant that Leia said the seer is probably dead when in fact the seer is probably alive if you compare the odds.
Sun 18:49
were you in game 43 Vader? I heard same thing
Sun 18:49
i thought it was in last game
Sun 18:50
I was in 43
Sun 18:51
Leia may have assumed seer is dead, but I was keeping quiet until I got a wolf
Sun 18:51
But that hadn't happened and we've lost too many to not come out
Sun 18:51
Dude. Leia said the seer is probably dead when you came out.
Sun 18:53
But I'm not dead, so, y'know
Sun 18:53
I'm might be tonight if protector protected me last night
Sun 18:53
So also worth coming out
Sun 18:56
Not sure you understood what I was saying but whatever. I'm gonna be away now for a while but we definitely need to lynch tonight. Hopefully I will check back before nightfall.
Sun 18:56
you should vote someone Vader
Sun 18:56
Yeah I possibly didn't, tbh I skin read the last 3 hours
Sun 18:57
Sun 19:01
going to vote?
Vader votes to put HanSolo on trial
Sun 19:06
As the only other I've had for consideration
Sun 19:07
what did he do that was wolfy?
Sun 19:12
I'm sure he said something yesterday that made me think he could be
Sun 19:12
But today seems fairly innocuous
Vader votes to put Leia on trial
Sun 19:13
Much more conversation from Leia
Sun 19:14
Plus she is doubting me
Sun 19:19
*shrug* I doubt you too, but you're only Seer claim and it's very unlikely wolves got so lucky with BH so happy to go with you which is the same as Leia?
Sun 19:19
I thought Mace might be Seer yesterday and you wolf... maybe it's the other way around
Sun 19:20
chances are either Obi or Palp are wolves, they are both happy to say nothing, I'm happy to kill one
Sun 19:30
I'll follow your lead
Sun 19:38
Vader what makes me more suspicious then some other people?
Sun 19:39
Based pretty much on a hunch, but if you can give me some reassurances to trust you then great
Sun 19:40
I've got to eat now. I'll be back shortly
Sun 19:40
Pizza is more important than werewolf
Sun 19:43
Idk I only can say I'm a normal villager but you are welcome to check me this night.
Sun 19:44
I think a contributed more then some other people but without some special role I can't really reveal something.
Sun 19:56
**Votes are 3 Leia (Mace, Luke, Vader), 1 HanSolo (Leia), 1 Palpatine (Maul)
Sun 20:03
Two roles claimed, first Luke (Huntsman) and then shortly afterwards Vader (Seer)
Sun 20:03
Luke guarded KyloRey (N1 because he was top of list), Quigon (N2 because he talkde a lot) and Vader (N3 because he was talkative)
Sun 20:03
Vader cleared Quigon (N1 because only he spoke), Maul (N2 no reason given) & Vader (N3 because he was suspicious)
Sun 20:03
Asking for a check sounds pretty good to me, but I suppose there's the slight possibility that you know I can't be protected, but I'll hold my vote as it stands
Sun 20:04
@Maul, 3rd check was Lobot, not myself ;)
Sun 20:25
At least Leia contributes, even if a wolf it's likely to continue so we have something to build on.
Sun 20:25
If Vader/Luke are truthful then there are 4 wolves in Kylo, Leia, Rey, Han, Mace, Palpatine & Obiwan. It's odds on we get a wolf at random.
Sun 20:26
I'm going Palpatine for not contributing much (nothing today) and previous comments are all pretty much with the flow.
Sun 20:26
Obiwan is similar, he did raise suspicion on Quigon for not being killed N1 despite Quigon being only one talking on day 1, we know Quigon is villager as per Vader so could be wolf raising taking advantage of situation.
Sun 20:28
Likely targets for tonight are Maul and Lobot. Lobot much more likely since he doesn't talk.
Sun 20:28
Also Vader of course and Luke.
Sun 20:29
Likely SS targets I mean.
Sun 20:29
Vader seems unlikely as surely we have HM or Protector still and at least will help him.
Sun 20:32
so it's Luke or Lobot for SS tonight
Sun 21:07
Sun 21:08
well the wolves are happy with Leia, that much is clear
Sun 21:08
Mace asked if Seer should come forward on DAY2
Sun 21:08
Mace asked if people were worried Seer might get found out by BH so needs to come out on DAY3
Sun 21:09
Mace jumps on to my vote on Luke earlier on today quickly
Sun 21:09
Mace suggest I am WW because I said kill tonight instead of lynch - "that's WW talk", this was just after Luke voted me
Sun 21:10
Mace is quite sure Leia is wolf because of Leia doubt on Vader but as Mace points out the odds of Vader being found out by BH are very low... yet he was asking if people worried about same thing on DAY3
Sun 21:12
Obiwan where is this update of yours?
Sun 21:37
Hey all, okay just caught up on everything.
Sun 21:40
My instinct is believing Vader, just doesn't seem like wolves would come out and claim seer and then claim 3 villagers....
Sun 21:40
But it is possible they know Seer is dead and hence can claim it and then clear 3 villagers (mixing in some wolves to the mix), which is just a head fuck, so I' rethink on that later
Sun 21:42
My instinct also believes Luke, although it was abrupt, it just seemed too random, but overall he was facing heat, and maybe just claimed a role that he knew was dead
Sun 21:44
How was me coming out on day 4 abrupt. Not trying to cause conflict, just trying to catch your point Kylo
Sun 21:44
So if both are true then I have the same list as Maul, obv replacing me with him,
Sun 21:44
I'm not on the list as Vader cleared me
Sun 21:44
And I prob trust Maul the most for now, just for sheer amount of talking and trying to get action started, would be quite an over the top strategy for a wolf
Sun 21:45
you have a shorter list:)
Sun 21:45
Sun 21:45
4 from 6: Leia, Rey, Han, Mace, Palpatine & Obiwan
Sun 21:46
Harlot not coming out seems likely dead then too, but maybe waited her time to see how things panned out
Sun 21:47
btw, I think all the games I've seen a fake Seer, they have always cleared villagers only, not their fellow wolves
Sun 21:47
Just to consider for a moment, if Vader is fake claim, and he knows seer is dead
Sun 21:47
What does that mean?
Sun 21:47
well Vader is a wolf for a start:)
Sun 21:47
Most games I have seen (not many) fake claim is 2nd claim
Sun 21:48
You have seen a trend of first claim being wolf?
Sun 21:48
Okay, I need to re-read, it is clear we need lynch one
Sun 21:48
What is your favourite right now?
Sun 21:48
I've not seen a trend of fake or real coming forward first
Sun 21:49
only seen two fake seers, it's too late in day, we have to go with Vader now
Sun 21:49
based on the odds I feel
Sun 21:49
well I went Palp
Sun 21:49
I am OK going someone else
Sun 21:49
why? because quite silent?
Sun 21:50
Nothing today and the 5 previous comments just going with flow really
Sun 21:50
Weirdly, I have been quite suspicious of Lobot
Sun 21:50
but irrelvant for now
Sun 21:50
Lobot is clear
Sun 21:50
I already said that
Sun 21:50
Lobot I was not suspicious, I don't think wolf yesterday answers "no" the way he did, wolf stays silent or says something more
Sun 21:50
that was yesterday morning he did that
Sun 21:50
anyway pick from your 6 Kylo
Sun 21:51
Vader you are happy to kill Leia?
Sun 21:51
and you too Luke?
Sun 21:51
Well Vader, I know you said that, I am just saying. Also it is not 100% you are seer, but I agree it is best option and as i said my instinct is that you are definitely seer.
Sun 21:51
8 minutes left
Sun 21:52
Just going to re-read sec
Sun 21:53
Sun 21:53
Happy with Leia kill?
Sun 21:55
Okay, I am slightly with Leia, for putting up initial doubts of Vader in a strange way... but they are kind of fair points, just slightly panickly made...
Sun 21:55
This is quite loose reasoning by me here though..
Sun 21:56
I am also suspicous of Rey/Palp/Obi for being semi quiet all day
Sun 21:56
Yes I am okay with this. If it turns out she's actually village I accept my failure
Sun 21:57
If Leia is wolf then other wolves would try and save
Sun 21:57
it's so late now
Sun 21:57
they would do something
Sun 21:57
Kylo doesn't seem to be, or is leaving it late
Sun 21:57
Yeah true
Sun 21:57
my suspicsion on Luke grows
Sun 21:57
Sun 21:57
2 minutes to go is close
Sun 21:57
I can check him tonight unless I die
Sun 21:58
same with Mace, but Luke follows Mace
Sun 21:58
We have left it last minute
Sun 21:58
2 or 3 wolves still alive and they do not try and save Leia
Sun 21:58
Needed GD/Harlot extra info really
Sun 21:58
it doesn't feel right for me
Sun 21:58
Kylo talks about saving but doesn't change vote
Sun 21:58
Luke stays silent when I ask him about Leia
Sun 21:58
I haven't voted
Sun 21:59
I just dont know what to do
Sun 21:59
someone has to decide
Sun 21:59
Could change completely and go palp?
Sun 21:59
to save Leia
Maul votes to put HanSolo on trial
Sun 21:59
He had 1 already
Sun 21:59
vote Palp then
Maul votes to put Palpatine on trial
Sun 21:59
Split the vote?
Sun 21:59
Not worth splitting again
KyloRen votes to put Palpatine on trial
Vader votes to put Palpatine on trial
HanSolo votes to put Leia on trial
Sun 21:59
now Palp dies
Sun 22:00
now it's level
Vader votes to put Leia on trial
Sun 22:00
Han appears out of nowhere
Sun 22:00
we should kill I think...?
Sun 22:00
now Leia with 4
Sun 22:00
Han suspicious
- Night 4
Night falls. As the village sleeps the werewolves begin to stir and decide who to eat tonight...
Leia was lynched by the village