You are viewing day 6 of a game of werewolves started on the 16-Sep-10 Sat on a 1 hour cycle (30min day, 30min night).
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ClinkzSat 20:01
Info from you Dazzle?
TinySat 20:01
Okay so here is the thing: Axe admitted wolf right?
ClinkzSat 20:02
pretty much
TinySat 20:02
And tonight Slardar dies
TuskSat 20:02
TinySat 20:02
So the only possibility is:
Sat 20:02
Spectre is GR who stole wolf.
ModeratorSat 20:02
If you stop seeing messages, please refresh.
ClinkzSat 20:03
Not sure why you would steal wolf
TinySat 20:03
Clinkz is probably good because: he counter claimed protector and there was no signs of SS
Sat 20:03
I mean what else is the possibility?
ModeratorSat 20:03
There has been a deployment, if it's laggy at all, refresh
DazzleSat 20:03
Tusk didnt vsit anyone last night
TinySat 20:04
Yeah refreshed and good for me now.
ModeratorSat 20:04
Tiny votes to lynch Spectre
TinySat 20:04
Spectre. It has to be him.
Sat 20:04
Dazzle should be real...
SpectreSat 20:04
TinySat 20:04
Yes Dazzle should be real unless I am getting trolled too hard by Axe.
SpectreSat 20:04
i said im a villager
Sat 20:05
and i still am
ClinkzSat 20:05
if Tusk is a wolf, there has to be 2
Sat 20:05
SpectreSat 20:05
i didnt say i am GR
TuskSat 20:05
I'm not
TinySat 20:05
Yes Clinkz
Sat 20:05
Yeah but that doesn't make you a villager tho.
TuskSat 20:05
but if spectre is/was GR
TinySat 20:05
Ugh just so fking confused rn.
SpectreSat 20:05
Dazzle is suspicious to me
TinySat 20:06
Okay why?
Sat 20:06
He caught Axe, Axe were sending messages to wolf.
SpectreSat 20:06
she's the one who said axe is a wolf
TinySat 20:06
Then there was no signs of Shapeshifting
SpectreSat 20:06
yes, but that's the only info from dazzle
TinySat 20:06
So Axe is not a wolf?
SpectreSat 20:06
no one can confirm if axe is the real SS or not
TinySat 20:07
But then why would he say that at the end?
Sat 20:07
If he is a villager??
Sat 20:07
finish my job for me, T...
TuskSat 20:07
yeah if he is villager there is no point saying such a thing
SpectreSat 20:07
it could be you who is a GR Tiny
TinySat 20:08
Yeah it could.
Sat 20:08
But I know it is not. So of course I voted for you Spectre
TuskSat 20:08
honestly a GR that intentionally steals wolf
Sat 20:08
just fucks everything
SpectreSat 20:08
i am not a GR and i am confidently saying that
TinySat 20:09
Then Dazzle is a wolf?
Sat 20:09
But that makes no sense too
SpectreSat 20:09
i believe clinkz, myself and tinker
TinySat 20:09
Ugh stalker should have really stalked Clinkz or someone else...
SpectreSat 20:10
but not tiny, tusk and dazzle
Sat 20:10
tinker is the lastest check
TinySat 20:11
I mean my suspicions are logical: Tinker cleared by seer who is dead, Clinkz Protector, Dazzle Stalker, Tusk cleared by stalker, Ik I am a villager
Sat 20:11
So it has to be you Spectre
SpectreSat 20:11
Sat 20:11
seer checked me?
TinySat 20:11
That was many nights ago
SpectreSat 20:11
so are you?
TinySat 20:11
Seer checked me too, after you did
Sat 20:12
Checked me night 3, and you were checked night 2.
SpectreSat 20:12
yes, and...?
ClinkzSat 20:12
which wolf could have been stolen?
Sat 20:12
which night?
TinySat 20:12
Right... That doesn't make sense either....
Sat 20:12
Sat 20:12
He could have steal a wolf like any night after night 2.
Sat 20:13
But if GR wants to win he would obviously steal a village role or not steal at all...
TuskSat 20:13
where is dazzle?
SpectreSat 20:13
the seer check happens first so if he turns into a wolf he will still cleared by seer
TinySat 20:13
Yeah but you could steal it at like night 3, night 4 night 5.
Sat 20:14
Oh night 2 too then...
SpectreSat 20:14
that means checks at night 2 3 4 5 and so on doesnt matter anymore
Sat 20:14
i said im not GR and i said it again
TinySat 20:14
Ugh well assuming me and you both villagers... Then who could possibly be wolf here??
SpectreSat 20:14
i believe i said im a villager day 2
TinySat 20:15
Tinker is cleared by seer...
ClinkzSat 20:15
when was tinker cleared?
TinySat 20:15
Sat 20:15
By Slardar
Sat 20:15
I think it is a really poor choice to stalk Tusk the 2nd time but...
SpectreSat 20:16
no it's not
TinySat 20:16
Assuming seer is real. Then Rubick has to be a wolf. Axe admit wolfery so he has to be a wolf.
ClinkzSat 20:16
dazzle and I claimed roles very early, but we're not cleared
ModeratorSat 20:16
Spectre votes to lynch Tiny
ClinkzSat 20:17
(by seer)
TinySat 20:17
Vote Spectre...
ClinkzSat 20:17
there hasn't been any points when a shift was likely?
ModeratorSat 20:17
Clinkz votes to lynch Spectre
SpectreSat 20:17
well i'm confident that tiny is wolf
TinySat 20:17
Morphling could have shifted.
TuskSat 20:17
only morphling really could have SS
TinySat 20:17
But then Axe admit he was a wolf???
SpectreSat 20:17
check my day2 chat
ClinkzSat 20:17
looked like axe was the killer
TuskSat 20:17
yeah thats weired
TinySat 20:17
Unless Dazzle is a liar.
SpectreSat 20:17
i said im villager, not someone speciall or anything
TinySat 20:18
Sat 20:19
Dazzle, Tusk, Rubick is a possible combination... Then what Axe said won't make sense, unless GR robbed a wolf.
SpectreSat 20:20
and tinker didn't speak for a while
TinySat 20:20
Dammit GR makes everything so confusing... Unless Clinkz is fake? But he counter claimed since day 2.
Sat 20:20
And there has been no signs of SS...
SpectreSat 20:20
i don't really think clinkz is fake
TinySat 20:20
And Axe admit wolf.
Sat 20:21
Clinkz Dazzle, Tinker, Tusk all has to be real then. It can only be you Spectre.
SpectreSat 20:21
lynch me, you guys will lose, i swear, i am a villager and i still am
TinySat 20:21
Unless Dazzle and Tusk are wolf duos...
Sat 20:22
But how is that even...
ClinkzSat 20:22
but that makes 4 wolves
TinySat 20:22
ClinkzSat 20:22
Tinker - why do you have no opinion on this?
SpectreSat 20:22
8 mins left
TinySat 20:22
Tinker is afk
SpectreSat 20:22
or lurkin
TinySat 20:22
But seer cleared too tho...
ModeratorSat 20:23
Spectre votes to lynch Tinker
SpectreSat 20:23
either tinker or tiny
TinySat 20:23
I think Tusk and Dazzle duo is possible.
Sat 20:23
If Spectre is not a wolf.
SpectreSat 20:23
no i think dazzle come out pretty soon
Sat 20:23
without counterclaim
TinySat 20:23
Idk why aren't those two participating tho
SpectreSat 20:24
maybe he was ss into and sell out axe
TinySat 20:24
By Morphling eh...
Sat 20:24
But then that means 4 wolves...
ClinkzSat 20:24
i've decided i dont like this game anymore
SpectreSat 20:24
i dont know right now
TinySat 20:24
I am loving this one right now. So confused lol
SpectreSat 20:25
dazzle dont even try to speak?
TinySat 20:25
Dazzle announced checks and then stayed silent
Sat 20:25
I think Dazzle, Axe, Rubick, Tusk is a possibility...
DazzleSat 20:25
not really payig attention
TinySat 20:25
Or only Dazzle Axe Rubick because they are crazy.
Sat 20:26
Or Tusk has some kind of power making him kill without killing others.
SpectreSat 20:26
kill dazzle
Sat 20:26
he was ssinto
ClinkzSat 20:26
but when?
TinySat 20:26
By Slardar???
SpectreSat 20:26
he didnt caption anymore
TinySat 20:26
By Morphling and Axe admit wolf??
Sat 20:27
Or Axe didn't admit wolf at all?????
SpectreSat 20:27
i guess :-?
TinySat 20:27
Spectre is the best bet.
TuskSat 20:27
It concerns me that dazzle is so phased out
ClinkzSat 20:28
Sat 20:28
this is a hard day
TinySat 20:28
Yeah... But Spectre for today...
SpectreSat 20:28
i said, lynch me and you guys will lose bc i am a villager
TinySat 20:28
Sat 20:28
SpectreSat 20:28
lynch dazzle
TinySat 20:28
Everyone is cleared and still not over.
SpectreSat 20:28
bc it's the combo
Sat 20:28
of 2
Sat 20:28
if there's 1 wolf
Sat 20:28
the game still continues
ModeratorSat 20:29
Tusk votes to lynch Tinker
TinySat 20:29
ModeratorSat 20:29
Tusk votes to lynch Spectre
TinySat 20:29
Tinker is seer cleared
SpectreSat 20:29
Sat 20:29
villager lost
TinySat 20:29
SpectreSat 20:29
bc you dont trust me
Sat 20:29
Sat 20:29
TinySat 20:29
SpectreSat 20:29
i swear a hundred time and you still dont beliebve