You are viewing day 5 of a game of werewolves started on the 16-Sep-10 Sat on a 1 hour cycle (30min day, 30min night).
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SpectreSat 19:00
Tinker Tinker little star, how i wonder what you are
TuskSat 19:01
server lagging again?
ClinkzSat 19:01
naughty wolves, trying to eat our seer.
SpectreSat 19:01
ClinkzSat 19:01
TinySat 19:01
Oh man my ear...
TuskSat 19:01
doggies oO
SpectreSat 19:01
what if he afk xD
ModeratorSat 19:01
Tiny votes to lynch Tinker
ModeratorSat 19:02
Tusk votes to lynch Tinker
TinySat 19:02
Now now... Where is our seer Slardar x_x
TuskSat 19:02
joining a speed game and go afk
SlardarSat 19:02
tinker villager
Sat 19:02
lynch tusk unless better option
ModeratorSat 19:02
Tiny votes to lynch Tusk
ClinkzSat 19:02
SpectreSat 19:02
ohhh :(
ModeratorSat 19:02
Spectre votes to lynch Tusk
TuskSat 19:02
I only can say I'm villager
ClinkzSat 19:02
Dazzle, any info?
TuskSat 19:03
but i agree can our roles please share info
ModeratorSat 19:03
Clinkz votes to lynch Tusk
TuskSat 19:03
slardar why check tinker and not me?
SpectreSat 19:03
3 confirmed villagers, 3 people with roles, only 2 left. I guess it will be easy
ModeratorSat 19:03
Slardar votes to lynch Tusk
DazzleSat 19:04
tusk didnt visit anyone
ClinkzSat 19:04
TuskSat 19:04
thank you
SpectreSat 19:04
ClinkzSat 19:04
if Tusk is the last wolf
TuskSat 19:04
I'm not
TinySat 19:04
TuskSat 19:04
vanilla villager
ClinkzSat 19:04
then they would have to have visited someone
SpectreSat 19:04
what if he choose to stay quiet?
TuskSat 19:04
can't visit anyone ever
SpectreSat 19:04
not killing anyone?
TinySat 19:04
Oh God...
ClinkzSat 19:05
oh god, if they didn't vote, that would do it...
Sat 19:05
that would be epic :D
TuskSat 19:05
Honestly I think axe wanted to throw us off
Sat 19:05
with the T thing
TinySat 19:05
I know but.
Sat 19:05
Slardar checks Tinker and he is villager... Dazzle didn't see you stalking.
Sat 19:06
So Meepo???? But Meepo never talked like a wolf.
TuskSat 19:06
well meepo could very well be wolf
SpectreSat 19:06
but he afk
TuskSat 19:06
steer chaos force reveal
SpectreSat 19:06
lynching you will be a better choice
TuskSat 19:06
there is not active list
Sat 19:06
so he can just stay quiet
TinySat 19:07
What is going on?
TuskSat 19:07
ok question
ClinkzSat 19:07
We DEFINITELY think that Axe was a wolf, yes?
TuskSat 19:07
how many wolves do you think are left?
ClinkzSat 19:07
It looks like Techies was our GR
TinySat 19:07
Or a GR stole wolf's role and is being silent.
ClinkzSat 19:08
that would be pretty dumb
Sat 19:08
meh, let's get meepo
TinySat 19:08
So Dazzle. Do we believe him?
SpectreSat 19:08
Not sure
TinySat 19:08
Axe admitted wolf tho, to just give Dazzle credibility?
ClinkzSat 19:08
I think Axe was a wolf
TinySat 19:09
If so, then Dazzle is real. And Tusk is a real villager too.
ModeratorSat 19:09
Clinkz votes to lynch Meepo
ModeratorSat 19:09
Tiny votes to lynch Meepo
ClinkzSat 19:09
I see no reason to not trust Dazzle
SpectreSat 19:09
but remember, no one die
TinySat 19:09
Morphling was... A normal kill??
ClinkzSat 19:09
I think so
Sat 19:09
Spectre: True
TinySat 19:10
I am a bit worried of Clinkz... But Sven can't be SS'd, Axe admit wolf.
ClinkzSat 19:10
the wolves not voting IS a possibility
Sat 19:10
I just assumed they went for Slardar, who I protected
TuskSat 19:10
but do they really gain anything from not voting?
ClinkzSat 19:10
And I said that openly at the start of today before I thought about it
Sat 19:10
only confusion
TinySat 19:10
It has to be afk Meepo? But Slardar checked Tinker and said he is villager?
ClinkzSat 19:11
TuskSat 19:11
yeah but they risk losing one without killing one
TinySat 19:11
Well that would be really surprising then...
SpectreSat 19:11
what if
ClinkzSat 19:11
we lynched sniper, they didn't claim role
SpectreSat 19:11
what if
ClinkzSat 19:11
no one claimed GR
SpectreSat 19:11
meepo is a wolf
ClinkzSat 19:11
so it was probably techies
Sat 19:11
Slardar came out early
SpectreSat 19:11
and waiting for the real proc to come out in day 2
ClinkzSat 19:11
and no Seer counter
SpectreSat 19:12
but maybe real proc is dead
ClinkzSat 19:12
Hi, I'm real proc.
SpectreSat 19:12
so Clinkz took the chance
Sat 19:12
i don't know
TinySat 19:12
Well let's just vote out Meepo for today??
ClinkzSat 19:12
dude I claimed, I COUNTER claimed FIRST day.
SpectreSat 19:12
how long will it take for you to counter claim
ClinkzSat 19:13
I don't fully understand what you just asked?
TinySat 19:13
Then Techies would have to be protector. A wolf visiting role usually doesn't counter claim protective roles
SpectreSat 19:13
i mean
TinySat 19:14
Looking at the deaths, Sven can't SS, chance too low, he should be real harlot.
Sat 19:14
Morphling is... Possible SS, but Axe claims to be wolf at the end.
SpectreSat 19:14
how many minutes are there between when meepo fake claimed and you counterclaimed
TinySat 19:14
So conclusion is that no one could SS into Clinkz
ClinkzSat 19:14
I'm not sure, read day 2
TinySat 19:15
Meepo immediately backed off too. Clinkz is still real.
Sat 19:15
Whose vote is still on TInker?
SpectreSat 19:15
okay 4 mins
ClinkzSat 19:15
SpectreSat 19:15
not long enough for wolves to judge i guess?
TuskSat 19:15
TinySat 19:16
Oh God this is a game now... Thought it was going to be easy.
Sat 19:16
Well vote out Meepo??
ClinkzSat 19:16
my plan is meepo, and if game continues, Tusk
SpectreSat 19:16
i still think it's tusk
TinySat 19:16
If the game still doesn't end then...
Sat 19:17
We have to assume that Axe is a wolf.
TuskSat 19:17
check me already
Sat 19:17
ClinkzSat 19:17
And Rubick was a wolf
Sat 19:17
Sniper was clearly a bad lynch
TinySat 19:17
Not 100% sure of Rubick. But very very sure of Axe.
ClinkzSat 19:17
and Meepo lead it
Sat 19:17
Seer checked Rubick and said wolf
TinySat 19:17
Yeah so vote Meepo then.
ClinkzSat 19:18
So, you either trust the seer on that or we have a massive deicison to make :p
TinySat 19:18
Right you protected seer...
ClinkzSat 19:18
SpectreSat 19:18
welp, it will end anyway so :P
TinySat 19:18
Tinker is cleared by the seer right?
ModeratorSat 19:18
Spectre votes to lynch Meepo
SpectreSat 19:18
tinker, me and tiny
ClinkzSat 19:18
Seer has cleared Tiny and Tinker and Spectre
TinySat 19:19
I think Tinker could be a wolf killing and Slardar be a BH. IF the game doesn't end and there is still no wolf kill.
SpectreSat 19:19
alpha must be dead
ClinkzSat 19:19
I have a feeling I blocked an alpha kill
Sat 19:19
I think they tried to take out the stalker and harlot in one turn
Sat 19:19
because I would do that :)
TinySat 19:20
I think you can announce who you protected the previous days.
SpectreSat 19:20
ClinkzSat 19:20
N1 was Sven, amusingly
TuskSat 19:20
dont do last
ClinkzSat 19:20
Then Dazzle
TuskSat 19:20
scratch that
ClinkzSat 19:20
Tusk: I already announced that
TinySat 19:20
he already did last...
ClinkzSat 19:20
TuskSat 19:20
they will know anyway
Sat 19:20
yeah yeag
ClinkzSat 19:20
N3 was Seer reveal I believe, so I flipped and did myself
Sat 19:20
so I could protect them N4
TinySat 19:21
Alright ty.
ClinkzSat 19:21
I was a bit gutted I protected Sven N1 and couldn't save N2
Sat 19:21
because harlot is stronger than stalker
SpectreSat 19:21
i think stalker is stronger when there's fake claim
ClinkzSat 19:21
yes, possibly
SpectreSat 19:22
but the plan tonight is
Sat 19:22
stalker stalk tusk again
Sat 19:22
seer check tusk
Sat 19:22
the end
DazzleSat 19:22
SpectreSat 19:22
DazzleSat 19:22
cant do it twice in row
Sat 19:23
can i?
TuskSat 19:23
SpectreSat 19:23
i think yes
TuskSat 19:23
they are free to stalk the same player multiple nights in a row.
ModeratorSat 19:23
Yes, Stalker can visit the same target
TuskSat 19:23
says wiki
DazzleSat 19:23
ok, nvm
SpectreSat 19:24
if it really is meepo he should come up by now
TuskSat 19:24
well it only would confirm it wouldn't it
ClinkzSat 19:24
who did he say he thought he trapped along with Sniper?
Sat 19:24
was it Tusk?
TuskSat 19:24
apparently me
ClinkzSat 19:24
well, it wasn't sniper
Sat 19:25
I didn't like that lynch but thought it better to remove checks for the seer to make
SpectreSat 19:26
Sat 19:26
it's only a matter of time
Sat 19:26
it'll end tonight or tomorrowday
ModeratorSat 19:27
Tusk votes to lynch Meepo
ClinkzSat 19:27
only way we get this wrong is if GR never came forward and wasn't Techies, and Techies was Seer and Slardar has played a blinder
Sat 19:28
in which case, gg wp :D
TinySat 19:28
As long as GR doesn't steal a wolf role
Sat 19:29
If there is no kill again we have to lynch Tinker and Slardar may be...