You are viewing day 3 of a game of werewolves started on the 16-Sep-10 Sat on a 1 hour cycle (30min day, 30min night).
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SpectreSat 17:00
i will not die i will not die i will not die i will not die i will not die i will not die i will not die i will not die i will not die i will not die i will not die
Sat 17:00
TinySat 17:00
So... Sven... Our harlot died.
MeepoSat 17:00
the chanting lol
TuskSat 17:00
Clinkz is suspicous, why would he go on spectre if our harlot did say spectre got visited
SlardarSat 17:00
AxeSat 17:00
oh shit
SlardarSat 17:00
now would be a good time to ome foward
ClinkzSat 17:00
Tusk, are you high?
AxeSat 17:01
rest in peace, sven
MeepoSat 17:01
Tusk now wanted to lynch real protector
ClinkzSat 17:01
Slardar, there is no GD
TuskSat 17:01
explain yourself
Sat 17:01
SlardarSat 17:01
DazzleSat 17:01
sladar visited spectre
SlardarSat 17:01
i did
Sat 17:01
hes a villager
Sat 17:01
but rubick is not
SpectreSat 17:01
so someone visited me..
TuskSat 17:01
what night did you visit?
MorphlingSat 17:01
sven, was the harlot right?
MeepoSat 17:01
Rubick you saw
SlardarSat 17:02
i saw ?
MeepoSat 17:02
uh Sladar can be asked into
SpectreSat 17:02
i dont believe slardar that much
MeepoSat 17:02
shapeshifted into
SlardarSat 17:02
thats fairly unlikely
TuskSat 17:02
slardar which night did you visit and who
SlardarSat 17:02
incrediably unlikely in fact
ClinkzSat 17:02
Sladar, N1 check = Rubick?
MeepoSat 17:02
but I do trust him
TinySat 17:02
Last night Sven died so no SS.
SlardarSat 17:02
yes n1 rubick
SpectreSat 17:02
if you're seer and find a wolf you should have said n1
Sat 17:02
since there's no lycan
SlardarSat 17:03
MeepoSat 17:03
wasn't night one spectre
SlardarSat 17:03
why would i saw D1?
ClinkzSat 17:03
not with 3 of us coming forward
Sat 17:03
wolves aren't going to go into the rest of the village
MeepoSat 17:03
it was night two he meant?
TinySat 17:03
Dammit is Rubick here tho?
ClinkzSat 17:03
no, he saw spectre
Sat 17:03
TuskSat 17:03
guys calm down
ClinkzSat 17:03
also, dazzle, please confirm because it's been lost, you are Harlot?
TuskSat 17:03
slardar for reference post all your checks plz
SlardarSat 17:04
Sat 17:04
night 1, rubick
Sat 17:04
n2 spectre
TuskSat 17:04
ok thx
MorphlingSat 17:04
Slardar is the seer?
TuskSat 17:04
both are villager I assume
Sat 17:04
TinySat 17:04
He claims to be.
MeepoSat 17:04
he keeps that info so it's like a trap where someone claims seer rubick
SlardarSat 17:04
rubick is a wolf
RubickSat 17:04
TuskSat 17:04
RubickSat 17:04
He's not a seer
SlardarSat 17:04
first words rubick speaks
MeepoSat 17:04
morph long wants to counter claim?
SlardarSat 17:04
SpectreSat 17:05
he did speak day 2
RubickSat 17:05
Not at all the first words I've spoken.
TuskSat 17:05
I question why you wouldn't come out asap
ModeratorSat 17:05
Meepo votes to lynch Rubick
SlardarSat 17:05
why would i come out asap?
SpectreSat 17:05
rubick, check?
TuskSat 17:05
so we don't lynch some random villager because we have no real information?
MorphlingSat 17:05
what were the results?
RubickSat 17:05
Spectre: I'm not a seer, but I'm also not a wolf, so that makes him not a seer.
TuskSat 17:05
but i want to hear your reason why you didn't
SpectreSat 17:06
SlardarSat 17:06
so proctector is revealed
Sat 17:06
and u want thte seer to come out as well
SpectreSat 17:06
if sniper is not a wolf then sladar is
SlardarSat 17:06
i like living
SpectreSat 17:06
must keep that in mind
MeepoSat 17:06
seer doesn't need to come out that early
Sat 17:06
protector can protect himself
ClinkzSat 17:06
Well, we're lynching Rubick today unless there is a counter seer claim I believe.
SlardarSat 17:06
im confused why tusk would think its a good strat to come out day 2
TuskSat 17:07
I agree there are many ways you can play it but it still a question you always have to ask
ModeratorSat 17:07
Tiny votes to lynch Rubick
SlardarSat 17:07
not realy tusk
Sat 17:07
its pretty horrible to come out day 2
MeepoSat 17:07
I am pretty sure Tusk is a wolf, he had that discussion
TuskSat 17:07
I'm not I want to hear from clinkz why he found spectre suspicous yesterday
ClinkzSat 17:08
I found him bandwagon-y
RubickSat 17:08
I don't think it's a good strat at all, and I think it's a way to try and lynch unneeded villagers. Seems like a shapeshifter play to me. Pretend to be seer, get the village to lynch some villagers, then SS away that night to look innocent becuase you "got killed"
TuskSat 17:08
sven our harlot said spectre got visited
MeepoSat 17:08
The last one is Axe or Tinker I believe but there might be a SS
TuskSat 17:08
this kinda cleared him
SlardarSat 17:08
SS night 2 :(
Sat 17:08
that is worse than seer play
ClinkzSat 17:08
being visited doesn't clear you at all.
TuskSat 17:08
It does let me explain
SlardarSat 17:08
also relies on them finding the seer N1 with a BH right?
ClinkzSat 17:08
unless you're visited by the seer, and they say "villager"
TuskSat 17:08
we all agree sven was our real harlot right?
TinySat 17:08
Yeah I agree.
TuskSat 17:09
so we can trust his word
RubickSat 17:09
Slardar: A second seer claim can be discredited if people believe yours.
TuskSat 17:09
only bh and seer could have visited spectre
TinySat 17:09
Yes and Sven didn't announce it because 50/50 being seer / bh
TuskSat 17:09
if seer visited him and he is wolf he kinda has to tell it in that case
SpectreSat 17:09
so whoever visited me night 1 is a secret
TuskSat 17:09
all other cases make him villager
MorphlingSat 17:09
Did sven say who visited spectre
SpectreSat 17:10
BH maybe?
TinySat 17:10
TuskSat 17:10
SlardarSat 17:10
i visited spectre last night
MorphlingSat 17:10
why not?
TuskSat 17:10
no one asked?
DazzleSat 17:10
Did he vote for anyone?
TinySat 17:10
But it won't make sense for Slardar to visit Spectre because BH would always visit town roles night 1.
DazzleSat 17:10
he might have voted for whoever visited?
SpectreSat 17:10
No, i think he thought he knew the seer
TuskSat 17:10
but do you get why its suspicous that clinku multiple times was suspicous of spectre?
SpectreSat 17:11
so he protect the seer's identity
MeepoSat 17:11
Damn I thought there were two deaths last night so it might be Sladar SS but now it's clear that Sladar is seer,
SpectreSat 17:11
so it's either Clinkz or BH visited me
TuskSat 17:11
seer could very well be dead
Sat 17:11
lucky night 1 kill
SlardarSat 17:11
why do u keep saying unlikely things tusk
TuskSat 17:11
ClinkzSat 17:11
Tusk, you know I'm Protector right?
SlardarSat 17:11
anything is possible
ClinkzSat 17:11
And you're saying I'm susp?
SlardarSat 17:12
dont think they are likely
MeepoSat 17:12
ah and then magically Sladar claims without knowing ?
TuskSat 17:12
I say your suspicion on spectre makes no sense
SpectreSat 17:12
Clinkz, did you protect me n1?
ClinkzSat 17:12
SpectreSat 17:12
then it's BH
MeepoSat 17:12
It can't be
TuskSat 17:12
it can
ClinkzSat 17:13
Sigh, stop wasting time with this, Tusk. Spectre was VISITED, by a stalker, this doesn't necessaarily clear him.
MeepoSat 17:13
Salad ar visited Spectre though and Runick
TuskSat 17:13
why shouldn't it be possible
Sat 17:13
so he wasn't visited by a stalker
Sat 17:13
Sat 17:13
DazzleSat 17:13
Sat 17:13
I visited Sven
MeepoSat 17:13
if he visited Techies or Sniper, found that he was Seer than it could be SS
TuskSat 17:13
ClinkzSat 17:13
sorry, visited by a harloit
Sat 17:13
Not sure why i keep mixing that up
DazzleSat 17:13
Harlot can visit a wolf
MeepoSat 17:13
I mean fake claim
ClinkzSat 17:13
Dazzle = stalker.
TuskSat 17:14
look at what roles can visit people
ClinkzSat 17:14
exactly my point dazzle, Tusk keeps rabbiting on about that clearing spectre. My suspicions were dropped after Sladar cleared
TuskSat 17:14
and what roles we don't have informatio on
SlardarSat 17:14
can we lynch tusk cos he is a negative influence on the village?
SpectreSat 17:14
sven did not belive tusk or Sniper, so neither of them is BH
TuskSat 17:14
ClinkzSat 17:14
I think we get Rubick first
MeepoSat 17:14
Alright, but I am quite sure Sladar isn't and I am happy to get Runick
SlardarSat 17:15
i know, i was just joking
MeepoSat 17:15
not Tusk yet though he is next
ClinkzSat 17:15
GR can take Sven's power tonight?
MeepoSat 17:15
he continues protecting wolves
ClinkzSat 17:15
or save it?
MeepoSat 17:15
yeah but there is no point I guess
Sat 17:15
maybe just take it
TuskSat 17:15
I'm not I point out you making no sense
SpectreSat 17:15
Rubick is BH, lynch Tusk would be better
TinySat 17:15
SlardarSat 17:15
Sat 17:15
ClinkzSat 17:16
how do you know he's BH?
SlardarSat 17:16
so rubick can SS away?
MeepoSat 17:16
you suspecting Clinkz is non-sense lol
MorphlingSat 17:16
How do you know that R is Bloodhound?
ClinkzSat 17:16
I think Tusk is trying to lightning Rod for Rubick
SlardarSat 17:16
its possible
MorphlingSat 17:16
Lightning rod?
SlardarSat 17:16
just lynch rubick today
ClinkzSat 17:17
he draws the lynch so rubick can ss out maybe?
TuskSat 17:17
you can lynch who ever you see fit
MeepoSat 17:17
Sladar please check Tusk
MorphlingSat 17:17
is Rubick SS or BH?
SlardarSat 17:17
seems more likely than anything else
TuskSat 17:17
I'm totally down lynching rubick
TinySat 17:17
Spectre is confirmed as villager by Sladar tho??
SlardarSat 17:17
surely checking tusk is a bit of a waste?
ClinkzSat 17:17
yeah, i agree
Sat 17:17
Tinkerer = slient
TuskSat 17:17
althought I want to know why spectre thinks he is confirmed BH
ClinkzSat 17:17
Morphling = nothing much
Sat 17:17
Axe = very quiet
MeepoSat 17:18
Morphing almost wanted to counter claim
TuskSat 17:18
you might wanna check meepo
Sat 17:18
but you decide
Sat 17:18
also check me
MeepoSat 17:18
as if lol Tusk give up on that
MorphlingSat 17:18
TuskSat 17:18
always welcome
SpectreSat 17:18
i misread
MorphlingSat 17:18
when did I want to counter-claim?
SpectreSat 17:18
i thought sven voted to put Sniper on trial
MeepoSat 17:19
all good guys I ask a happy man now
Sat 17:19
Sat 17:19
I have done so much for this village with my heated plays, sexy as hell
Sat 17:19
drama since night two
ClinkzSat 17:19
can people vote for their suspicisons please, helps it easier to see
Sat 17:19
but let's keep rubick in the lead
ModeratorSat 17:19
Morphling votes to lynch Rubick
TuskSat 17:20
If I'm right sven didn't vote at all
TinySat 17:20
Inb4 Sniper Tusk Meepo all turns out to be villager.
ModeratorSat 17:20
Tusk votes to lynch Rubick
AxeSat 17:20
sr for not talking much, guys
TuskSat 17:20
I'm village
AxeSat 17:20
i'm in the middle of a Dota match right now lol
SlardarSat 17:20
thanks for that tusk!
MeepoSat 17:20
now you are in a Dora match yourself
TuskSat 17:21
Meepo Sat 18:19 [...] I have done so much for this village with my heated plays, sexy as hell Sat 18:19 drama since night two
Sat 17:21
comments like me make me wonder
AxeSat 17:21
and i'm playing as Meepo xD
TuskSat 17:21
just terrible town or woif
MeepoSat 17:21
yeah I am so OP
TuskSat 17:21
ClinkzSat 17:21
Tusk, I admire you tenacity :p
MeepoSat 17:22
Tusk doesn't know when to give up
SpectreSat 17:22
:(( too many roles with info, again
SlardarSat 17:22
if tusk isnt a wolf
Sat 17:22
im going to cry :(
TuskSat 17:22
I'm not so prepare yourself
SpectreSat 17:22
you don't need tusk to be a wolf to cry :(
TuskSat 17:22
Right now I got a strong feeling meepo is one
MeepoSat 17:23
You should have known better than to protect Sniper blindly that day , and omg you protecting Rubick gives it away too
Sat 17:23
TuskSat 17:23
I never protected any of them
MeepoSat 17:23
I mean you sold the wolves out
TuskSat 17:23
look at the times I voted for you yesterday
MeepoSat 17:23
no, you didn't protect them
TuskSat 17:23
scroll through the log today
Sat 17:23
I never defended rubick
MeepoSat 17:23
you just wanna lynch the ones who they are against
SpectreSat 17:24
but you distract us from rubick
TuskSat 17:24
I never said lynch clinkz
SpectreSat 17:24
MeepoSat 17:24
oh seer got a check, lets question him
TuskSat 17:24
I only asked why he made comments that didn't make sense
MeepoSat 17:24
let's consider suspecting our protector that makes sense really
Sat 17:24
it's not necessary
ClinkzSat 17:24
seer, i suggest a clear on some of the quieter ones (they're also good ss targets :/ )
SlardarSat 17:24
suggestion noted
ClinkzSat 17:24
obviously don't say who exactly
MeepoSat 17:25
axe or whoever lol
TuskSat 17:25
I strongly suggest a check on meepo or me
MeepoSat 17:25
feeling like axe is the actual alpha
SlardarSat 17:25
so meepo suggests someone :P
ClinkzSat 17:25
morphling / axe / tinker all low activity
Sat 17:25
Tiny not much more
TuskSat 17:25
Think about it
MeepoSat 17:25
not tiny I trust him
Sat 17:25
morphling is great too
TuskSat 17:25
villagers without roles are most of the times the inactives
MorphlingSat 17:26
I'm just struggling to keep up on my phone :(
Sat 17:26
scrolling is slow
TuskSat 17:26
so it is very much likely that most wolfs are between us that speal
Sat 17:26
TinySat 17:26
Well I initiated vote on Sniper and followed up with Rubick. But no seer counter claim is concerning me.
Sat 17:26
I guess we have to believe Slardar then.
SpectreSat 17:26
im not sure abt that
ClinkzSat 17:27
GR stepping forward worth it?
MeepoSat 17:27
Tusk is still trying , oh well Officer Judy Tusk 8 should call you
SpectreSat 17:27
yes, i think it's worth it
MeepoSat 17:27
retty sure he should just take Sven
ClinkzSat 17:27
one fewer person for seer to check tonight
Sat 17:27
also, agree, take sven's power
SpectreSat 17:27
3 mins left
MeepoSat 17:28
if I am still active talking after this lynch me
Sat 17:28
I have to leave right now
ClinkzSat 17:28
TuskSat 17:28
so you SS?
ClinkzSat 17:28
that's brilliant
SpectreSat 17:28
i think seer should check whoever he wants since listing the inactive out will keep the wolves away fro mthem
MeepoSat 17:28
just so that no one can ss into me tusk stop trying lol
ClinkzSat 17:28
wolves have to take out either me, the seer, or you really
MeepoSat 17:28
it doesn't worl
ClinkzSat 17:28
oh, and dazzle
TuskSat 17:29
just in case I die
Sat 17:29
Meepo strong feelings about him
SlardarSat 17:29
MeepoSat 17:29
you should out the wolves and yourself
Sat 17:29
Tusk Ss haha
SlardarSat 17:29
we're listening to u tusk
TuskSat 17:29
what I just noticed tinker was more quiet the last 2 days