You are viewing day 3 of a game of werewolves that played on 16-Nov-05 Sat 10 minute days, 5 minute nights.
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ColeSat 20:00
Nice no death.
KratosSat 20:00
okay that answers the smite question
ColeSat 20:00
Any leads?
KratosSat 20:00
so proc got lucky I'm assuming?
ColeSat 20:01
Or wolf went AFK
HeihachiSat 20:01
Seems unlikely.
KratosSat 20:01
in a game this fast?
ColeSat 20:01
I think most likely proc got it.
SackboySat 20:01
i doubt wolf went AFK, they killed toro
DanteSat 20:01
or a protection totem
SackboySat 20:01
the only other adorable character :(
ColeSat 20:02
*Waits impatiently for some results.
KratosSat 20:02
i got nothin D:
HeihachiSat 20:02
Nathan, time to vote, buddy . . .
SackboySat 20:03
i dont think there is a point on wasting a lynch on nathan, he will likely be smited anyway
KratosSat 20:03
I think nathan is legit afk
SackboySat 20:03
i agree
ColeSat 20:03
KratosSat 20:03
Sat 20:03
who goes afk in a speed game -_-
SackboySat 20:03
it was taking a while to start...maybe he fell asleep
KratosSat 20:03
ColeSat 20:04
So anyone going to throw out suspicions?
ZeusSat 20:04
The fireworks got to them
HeihachiSat 20:04
Dante has been a little bit trigger happy with lynch votes.
Sat 20:04
Twice putting people to a 2nd vote.
KratosSat 20:04
that's a good point
Sat 20:04
zeus doesn't seem to be talking about anything game related -_-
HeihachiSat 20:05
Which would point to Cole and Sackboy not being on Dante's team
ColeSat 20:05
I am scared of... Lack of contribution from village :/
SackboySat 20:05
it's a small village to start with
HeihachiSat 20:05
I'll vote Dante.
ModeratorSat 20:05
Heihachi votes to lynch Dante
ColeSat 20:05
SackboySat 20:05
I'll roll with it
ModeratorSat 20:05
Sackboy votes to lynch Dante
ModeratorSat 20:06
Dante votes to lynch Nathan
KratosSat 20:06
what's the point of that vote? o.O
ModeratorSat 20:06
Dante votes to lynch Kratos
ColeSat 20:06
ModeratorSat 20:06
Kratos votes to lynch Dante
KratosSat 20:06
lol fine
Sat 20:06
I would rather we had more to go on
ColeSat 20:06
Dante, what do you have to say about all this?
DanteSat 20:07
why are you voting me?
ModeratorSat 20:07
Cole votes to lynch Zeus
ZeusSat 20:07
So we don't have told at the moment.
ModeratorSat 20:07
Dante votes to lynch Zeus
ColeSat 20:07
They are suspicious of you cuz of voting.
DanteSat 20:07
i'm town
Sat 20:07
SackboySat 20:07
yeah, not a lot to go on, honestly
DanteSat 20:07
just vanilla
KratosSat 20:07
is this town of salem suddenly
Sat 20:07
ColeSat 20:07
Yeah this is like ToS
KratosSat 20:07
okay so you claim vanilla
SackboySat 20:08
terms of service?
ColeSat 20:08
DanteSat 20:08
ColeSat 20:08
Inb4 everyone is vanilla
KratosSat 20:08
DanteSat 20:08
ColeSat 20:08
Anyone who is not vanilla raise your hand
KratosSat 20:08
in a game this small i'd be surprised if we had any vanilla
ColeSat 20:08
Only 2 min left
DanteSat 20:08
can someone please balance
HeihachiSat 20:08
I was thinking the same thing
ModeratorSat 20:08
Kratos votes to lynch Nathan
KratosSat 20:08
Sat 20:08
i don't like lynching on so little info
ColeSat 20:08
I am vanilla here.
HeihachiSat 20:09
That's fair.
ColeSat 20:09
If there are more vanillas... May be come out?
KratosSat 20:09
that's a lot of vanilla xD
ColeSat 20:09
Yeah if all 8 claims vanilla then...
Sat 20:09
Then there is no SS.
Sat 20:09
Sat 20:09
Mod balancing is weird.
KratosSat 20:09
ZeusSat 20:09
Definitely no coven or ww. Just villagers
ColeSat 20:10
ZeusSat 20:10
Attack of the villagers
SackboySat 20:10
happy little villag
Sat 20:10
ColeSat 20:10
DanteSat 20:10
KratosSat 20:10
one of these days i expect the mods to actually make a village of all villagers just to troll