You are viewing day 2 of a game of werewolves that played on 16-Nov-05 Sat 10 minute days, 5 minute nights.
This is a spoiler free version, use the user button (top menu) to see who was alive at the time, and the calendar button or links below the chat to navigate through to different days.
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SackboySat 19:45
I have the best character
KratosSat 19:46
It's cute, I'm jelly D:
ColeSat 19:46
I don't like that you have the best character.
HeihachiSat 19:46
What is the theme?
KratosSat 19:46
I don't even know what my char is
SackboySat 19:46
i'm a sack with a smile!
KratosSat 19:47
I need to play little big planet
ColeSat 19:47
Your smile will be gone soon because I checked you Sackboy and you are a wolf.
ModeratorSat 19:47
Cole votes to lynch Sackboy
KratosSat 19:47
whoa o.o this early?
Sat 19:47
ColeSat 19:48
Yeah, what do you have to say Sackboy?
SackboySat 19:48
just anti smite protection, im sure
Sat 19:48
im not a wolf dude
KratosSat 19:48
so are you claiming seer cole?
ColeSat 19:48
Just testing...
KratosSat 19:48
ModeratorSat 19:48
Sackboy votes to lynch Cole
SackboySat 19:48
just tying
ColeSat 19:48
Fake claimed to see reaction.
KratosSat 19:49
wait do we have to vote to not be smited
ColeSat 19:49
I think not.
ModeratorSat 19:49
Dante votes to lynch Cole
ColeSat 19:49
Dante, what is your reason for voting me?
KratosSat 19:49
I think your fake claim might get you killed...
ModeratorSat 19:49
Cole votes to lynch Dante
ColeSat 19:49
I was testing Sackboy only.
Sat 19:49
I am no seer.
KratosSat 19:49
Sat 19:49
wolves don't usually back off a claim
SackboySat 19:49
that's mean, you're jealous because I'm adorable
KratosSat 19:50
i tihnk someone should watch him tonight just in case
ModeratorSat 19:50
Dante votes to lynch Sackboy
ModeratorSat 19:50
Kratos votes to lynch Zeus
KratosSat 19:50
This one hasn't spoken yet
DanteSat 19:50
your ugly
ModeratorSat 19:50
Heihachi votes to lynch Nathan
ColeSat 19:50
The problem is. There is 1 death and 4 actives.
HeihachiSat 19:50
Just in case . . . smite protection
ModeratorSat 19:50
Dante votes to lynch Heihachi
ColeSat 19:50
Oh cool
Sat 19:50
5 actives...
KratosSat 19:51
or one of the two inactives is a wolf/coven trying to hide -_-
DanteSat 19:51
i'm sexy
KratosSat 19:51
ColeSat 19:51
So which one should be lynched? Sexy one or adorable one?
Sat 19:51
Some leads would be nice...
ModeratorSat 19:52
Zeus votes to lynch Kratos
SackboySat 19:52
we don't even know if we have a seer
ColeSat 19:52
Oh 6 actives.
KratosSat 19:52
it's only day two, though
Sat 19:52
leads ar ein short supply
HeihachiSat 19:52
Everyone active except Nathan now.
ColeSat 19:52
In a 8 people game tho.
KratosSat 19:52
Oh hey, zues is active
Sat 19:52
*Zeus, jfc i can spell i swear
ZeusSat 19:53
ColeSat 19:53
So uhhhhh leads? Sackboy's reaction to my claim is quite weird...
KratosSat 19:53
ColeSat 19:53
Nothing fishy tho.
Sat 19:53
Not suspicious of Sackboy.
KratosSat 19:53
if we knew one role we could try to direct things
ZeusSat 19:53
Don't dare dis the lord thanda
KratosSat 19:53
we don't even know if there's any stalkers or harlots
DanteSat 19:53
Kratos confirmed Succubus
KratosSat 19:54
ColeSat 19:54
Well I am not Seer or Harlot. That is all I am gonna say about my role rn.
KratosSat 19:54
I haven't been coven yet, kinda dissapointed tbh
ColeSat 19:54
Seems like the inv roles haven't find anything good yet.