You are viewing day 7 of a game of werewolves started on the 17-Jan-21 Sat on a 24 hour cycle (12h day, 12h night).
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Fri 09:02
well I guess Windblade wasn't a wolf then :s
Fri 09:02
My predictions for today: Grimlock says nothing of use
Fri 09:02
Nautica still didn't find a wolf
Fri 09:03
Tailgate doesn't speak
Fri 09:37
This is seriously mind boggling.
Fri 09:37
guten Morgen everibadii
Fri 09:37
i feel like I'm screwed as villager
Fri 09:38
Practically everyone I stalked has visiting role inc last night
Fri 09:38
Skids votes to lynch Nautica
Fri 09:39
And please ehh, my typing has always been inconsistent. impactor is lying
Fri 09:39
i use cap on and off depends on whether im on phone or laptop
Fri 09:41
if tailgate doesnt speak. i hope he dont make last mins vote in order not to get smited
Fri 09:52
so Ravage, did you stalk Tailgate yesterday?
Fri 09:52
and who did you stalk last night?
Fri 09:53
@skids i stalked cyclo
Fri 09:53
More Predictions: Cyclonus or Grimlock clam harlot
Fri 09:53
oh, hehe
Fri 11:15
Ravage, tell us about Tailgate?
Fri 11:26
@skids He visited Cyclo.
Fri 11:27
But if he doesnt say anything despite all the hoo-haa pressure and it seems he is okay with getting lynch based on yest
Fri 11:34
I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, so until I see reason go believe differently I'll just assume he's not checked in since yesterday
Fri 11:34
Fri 11:55
Ravage, tell me who did I visit last night
Fri 11:57
Everyone, I think it's a crucial day for us all. I believe we should have 2 village -2 wolf - 2 coven left, plus 1 could be any faction
Fri 11:59
Ideally imo, we lynch 1 wolf, then 1 coven, then another wolf or coven based on tmr intel
Fri 12:00
You visited me m8
Fri 12:01
Good, who do you think Im?
Fri 12:09
Yeah harlot or prot but i think someone in gy claimed prot right?
Fri 12:12
or worse case scenario fam?
Fri 12:14
why dont you just say? since ure all for role reveal yest
Fri 12:14
tailgate is a member of the wolfpack
Fri 12:14
Nautica votes to lynch Tailgate
Fri 12:18
hi guys,
Fri 12:19
seems things getting clearer
Fri 12:19
so Neu check Tail and he a wolfpack
Fri 12:20
but last time Ravage stalked Tail and he visited Cycl, but Cycly still alive
Fri 12:21
only Dire and Bh can visit without kill
Fri 12:26
then we can assume he is BH if what Neu said is the truth
Fri 12:28
But qs is did cyclo get rb?
Fri 12:38
no, he did not and he did not say anything abt roleblocked
Fri 12:43
i will put some pressure on Tail, he could be BH
Fri 12:43
Grimlock votes to lynch Tailgate
Fri 12:44
but wonder why Nau still alive lol
Fri 13:00
Ravage votes to lynch Tailgate
Fri 13:01
im fishing today. will be back later. and noo im not sleeping early
Fri 13:33
Im back
Fri 13:34
very busy today, will try to check from time to time though
Fri 13:34
here's the deal, I'm a Witch hunter
Fri 13:35
did not see that coming
Fri 13:36
N1: failed to check
Fri 13:36
N2: Kaon - witchcraft
Fri 13:36
N3: Megatron - not
Fri 13:36
N4: Windblade - not
Fri 13:36
N5: Vos - witchcraft
Fri 13:36
N6: Ravage - not
Fri 13:37
Now some thoughts out of our remaning 7
Fri 13:37
Acree must be coven
Fri 13:38
Ravage could be stalker, or fam
Fri 13:38
Grimlock, not sure, but I dont think he's bad guy
Fri 13:39
as I said before, we mostly have a 2v2v2 situation now, with 1 undertermined
Fri 13:41
I think the 2 wolves left will lie between Tailgate, Nautica and Skids
Fri 13:44
since Tailgate visited me and I'm still alive, he could be a villager, or a BH, but not a coven, since I dont feel anything strange with me or my check
Fri 13:46
If Tailgate is villager, then Nau and Skids is wolves, with Nau mostly a BH, need to re read to see if Skids always speak first because then he could be BH and send a code to Nau
Fri 13:46
If Nau is seer, then Tailgate is BH and Skids is killing wolf
Fri 13:47
if Skids is Militia, which I seriously doubt it, then Tailgate is the BH and Nou is killing wolf, HOWEVER, Tailgate mostly not speak for 2 days now, so noway he can send code to Nou
Fri 13:48
The fact Windblade get killed, and my check on him, confirm that he's our true Militia
Fri 13:50
I'm most inclined to believe that Skids is a wolf, the question is, it's Skid - Nau or Skids - Tailgate
Fri 13:52
also if Nau is true seer, she declared that she would check Tailgate last night, why didn't wolves kill her?
Fri 13:57
Great cycl, thanks for putting a little credit on me
Fri 13:58
Well, i have lots to say, gotta out for awhile and will be back after 30mis, i will reveal all info i have, just in case i will be killed to9
Fri 13:58
IMO, there are only 3 scenarios now
Fri 13:59
Tail BH, Nau Seer, Skids wolf
Fri 13:59
Nau BH, Tail village, Skids wolf
Fri 13:59
Nau BH, Tail wolf, skid village
Fri 13:59
Nevertheless, we need to hear about Tail's role and his check to see if he's a wolf
Fri 14:00
He will be SMITED today if he doesn't come online and vote tho
Fri 14:00
So i dont think we need to stack to much vote on some1 who could be smited soon
Fri 14:01
Skids is mostly a confirmed wolf in my eyes, so here it goes
Fri 14:01
Cyclonus votes to lynch Skids
Fri 14:03
Got to go, really busy today but will try to check from time to time
Fri 14:03
We need to lynch a wolf today tho
Fri 14:03
and in both of my possible scenarios, Skids is wolf
Fri 14:14
hmm interesting
Fri 14:14
I'm not a wolf, and I'm not sure why you think I'm in the same team as Nautica since I was trying to get her lynched yesterday
Fri 14:15
I'm fairly certain that Nautica and Grimlock are wolves
Fri 14:16
that's why Tail BH, Nau Seer, Skids wolf make the most sense
Fri 14:16
let's hear what's Grimlock role and checks
Fri 14:16
if he has any
Fri 14:16
do you not think that if Nautica was seer she would be dead by now?
Fri 14:17
especially if I was a wolf?
Fri 14:17
not sure, I was a seer last game and wolves let me live 2 extra days after my revelation
Fri 14:18
because I seemed to trust him
Fri 14:18
Nautica is up to... 4 now?
Fri 14:18
and it could be the case here, Nau is never really think about checking you
Fri 14:19
I'm still juggling between Tail or Nau is wolf, but you, for most part, is confirmed wolf in my eyes
Fri 14:20
what, specifically, makes me a wolf?
Fri 14:21
your milita claim
Fri 14:21
I half believe it before, that we could have 2 Mili
Fri 14:21
but now, when we were down to 7 with more info
Fri 14:21
you become the most sus wolf naturally
Fri 14:22
more suspect than Grimlock who hasn't claimed anything?
Fri 14:58
in wolf view, yes, you are more sus than him
Fri 14:58
but let's hear from him too
Fri 14:58
hope he keeps his word
Fri 15:15
Wow that was quite a reas
Fri 15:15
Fri 15:20
Thoughts, Ravage?
Fri 15:23
Kaon-witchcraft but Nau checked him as puppet am i right?
Fri 15:24
okay my fish getting away
Fri 15:24
Fri 15:24
Fri 15:25
yeah, all coven, including puppets, show as users
Fri 15:26
@skids okay i wasnt aware, thank you
Fri 15:28
the more interesting question is, can there be two witch hunters in a single game?
Fri 15:29
y'all questioned it for us milita, but I think two witch hunters is far less likely
Fri 15:29
so maybe Bumblebee was lying?
Fri 15:29
(in which case I take back my apology)
Fri 16:32
Arcee votes to lynch Tailgate
Fri 16:33
There's time for Nautica to check him about it
Fri 17:10
hi guys, i was stuck today and sorry for not coming back earlier. Now i will reveal all info I have and answer the reason why i think Skids is more suspicious than WindB. First of all, I gotta say that everything Acree said is bullshit. I was a bit confusing because pp in the GY might not tell the truth because there was a messiah. I am GD. N2-Helex N3-Bumblebee N4-Kaon N5-soundW N6-Ultra
Fri 17:13
So what are they?
Fri 17:14
I'll be more freer in an hr half later
Fri 17:20
N2: random check Helex - Direwolf. I was lookong for someone claiming rbed but no-one appeared
Fri 17:21
Fri 17:21
N3: when Skids claim Militia, I checked Bumblebee, Funny that he's Prot. I dont know whether you were telling the truth or not, i still put you on my list Skids. Even next day WindB claimed Militia too, I still put my eyes on you Skid. Both of you might be Witch or Militia.
Fri 17:21
*claimed (sorry)
Fri 17:22
N4: was thinking about Wind's victim but Nau claimed Seer so I decided to check Kaon. He's really a Puppet, in a minute i thought that i wasted my check because he might be a Bh as well, Nau said she was Rbed at N1 seems legit when Dire was killed at N1 then Helex only can block at N1. But if Nau is BH, he also know about Dire Death.
Fri 17:27
N5: SoundW- Was wondering between SoundW- Mega and Ultra. When Tarn claimed Prot - I vote for him immediately without hesitation. do not care abt Nau is BH or Seer when i know Tarn lied about his role. Tarn said he killed Helex at N1 and say sth about MLeader so I check SoundW. Incredible he is HM. Its possible when Tarn said that he trying to kill Nau but she still alive. SoundW might protect her that night. I also put mega on my sus's list and thought Wolf tried to kill Nau as well, the if Mega is wolf, he die with Sounds
Fri 17:27
Okay so what I don't get is why Acree would lie about Bumblebee?
Fri 17:29
Grimlock why did you claim no role? Or did we just misunderstand it
Fri 17:29
He claimed GD
Fri 17:29
Fri 17:30
Cyclo are you really real? How come you didn't check the ones who voted with Vos?
Fri 17:30
On the run now so I can read in detail, but interesting intel
Fri 17:30
And how come you didn't want to kill Vos?
Fri 17:31
I want to kill vos in the night, using my power, thought we could have killed both tail and vos in a night
Fri 17:31
hahaa skids, as i said, i have no idea if pp in the grave yard migjt lie because
Fri 17:31
That's why I tell you guys that I dont trust vos, but voted Tail
Fri 17:31
Why didn't you check me last night so that you could kill me tonight then?
Fri 17:31
might lie because they think messiah could appear at any time
Fri 17:32
and Acree
Fri 17:32
i never said that i have no role
Fri 17:32
i said i was villager
Fri 17:32
Im pretty sure you are coven from the night u ressurect, but as I said, our top prio now is wolf, not coven
Fri 17:32
Grimlock is legit
Fri 17:32
and Acree i think you are Coven
Fri 17:32
And I sus Ravage to be Ss, hence checking him
Fri 17:33
yesterday you said that Ultra claim seer in GY
Fri 17:33
I only switched the roles of Bumblebee and Swerve around as it doesn;t matter who is who, both were village and died suspiciously. Incase another GD was around
Fri 17:33
i checked him
Fri 17:33
Ultra claimed Seer and Helex lied too
Fri 17:33
Ultra is Succ
Fri 17:33
I can't believe there's really more village left!
Fri 17:33
Oh shit that's great
Fri 17:34
he is coven
Fri 17:34
thats all info i have in the grave yard
Fri 17:34
The only possible last coven is Cyclon guys
Fri 17:34
last night windB was killed
Fri 17:35
If you check if WindB is Witch/Militia you can know about Skids
Fri 17:35
so i'd rather put Skids on my sus's list
Fri 17:35
because you said Ultra claim Seer in gY so i want to double check
Fri 17:36
of Nau is Truly BH or bot
Fri 17:36
its more important
Fri 17:36
* truly BH or not
Fri 17:39
i want to hear more from tail, if he does not say anything i will vote for skids as he will ne smites today
Fri 17:40
*will be
Fri 17:40
Fri 17:42
Tail could be a BH
Fri 17:42
as he visited Cycl last time but Cycl alice
Fri 17:42
Fri 17:43
dire death already
Fri 17:47
You said you saw Ultra is not Seer
Fri 18:00
so, just let me get this straight: Grimlock is claiming GD and says Bumblebee is protector, Arcee previously claimed Bumblebee was Witchhunter. Now, Arcee is claiming she swapped the roles of Bumblebee and Swerve? So actually Bumblebee claimed Protector and Swerve claimed Witchhunter?
Fri 18:00
have I got anything wrong so far?
Fri 18:13
have no idea abt the convo in GY, Cycl claimed WitchHunter
Fri 18:14
@Acree : i checked Ultra last9 and he is Succ
Fri 18:15
So, let's get some speculation going: Megatron has a visiting role too, right?
Fri 18:20
Fri 18:20
he has visiting role
Fri 18:20
hang on. brb
Fri 18:21
so.... do we actually have a chance to win this?
Fri 18:22
okay back again
Fri 18:22
let me read back abit
Fri 18:22
i tend to believe Grimlock bc it makes sense
Fri 18:23
So let's hear it, Nautica...?
Fri 18:23
who should i check tonight?
Fri 18:24
I'm more interested in who you checked last night
Fri 18:25
@nau no point asking. check who u feel is right
Fri 18:25
I made some predictions this morning, the Harlot claim one was wrong so I'm going best of 3
Fri 18:25
Ravage <3
Fri 18:26
@Skids already told my check
Fri 18:26
wait, when?
Fri 18:26
just now
Fri 18:26
hmmm, lemme refresh
Fri 18:26
Fri 18:27
Tailgate is a emember of the wolfpack
Fri 18:28
oh it was mixed in with all of Grimlock's stuff
Fri 18:28
well, I guess I'm wrong on two of my predicions now
Fri 18:31
yes, now we have to find the other wolf. I guess they will finally kill me tonight since Grimlock can confirme me by checking Tailgate
Fri 18:31
or they can kill Grimlock and make me look susp :S
Fri 18:31
Fri 18:32
or im the one getting kill
Fri 18:32
better still. they keep me alive so that im the sus gd for tomorrow lynch
Fri 18:32
the irony is I'm feeling pretty secure with all the shade Cyclonus and Grimlock have been throwing my way
Fri 18:33
@nau if only we have harlot on u
Fri 18:35
We haven't got a harlot...
Fri 18:58
if only
Fri 19:22
If both Grimlock checks the body of Windblade and Cyclonus checks Skids, even if one dies we can find out about Skids
Fri 19:23
Nautica could double check Ravage or check me but it is true that she may either die or be obvious as a BH tomorrow
Fri 19:24
Cyclon could check me as Messiah isn't on the Witchcraft users, I don't understand why he already didn't
Fri 20:27
im dead tired. i cant keep up for another half hr. gd night guys
Fri 20:36
Too busy
Fri 20:36
Did Tail come up and vote?
Fri 20:37
I dont get why do we vote for some1 that will be smited??
Fri 20:37
well i wonder if tail will not appear today and get smited
Fri 20:38
If we must do that, and dont believe me on my wolf sus, at leadt vote on some coven like Acree
Fri 20:39
I dont get why we vote to lunch some1 that WILL BE SMiTED
Fri 20:39
if so i want to lynch another instead
Fri 20:41
We have no hope then, it sucks when you get busy on crucial day like this, damn
Fri 20:45
but who?
Fri 20:48
skids never chnged his vote hmmm
Fri 20:48
Why should I?
Fri 20:48
There's the majority on
Fri 20:49
also, it's more a statement of "I still don't trust Nautica"
Fri 20:53
Grimlock votes to lynch Skids
Fri 20:54
Oh come on,,, with 6 minutes to go?
Fri 20:54
i still keep my opinion
Fri 20:54
Nautica votes to lynch Skids
Fri 20:54
will stay until 20:59
Fri 20:55
Do you just want me to vote for Tailgate?
Fri 20:55
is ths ok?
Fri 20:55
'cause I'm more than happy to do it just to please you ...
Fri 20:55
Skids votes to lynch Tailgate
Fri 20:55
skids are you village?
Fri 20:55
I'm militia
Fri 20:55
Nautica votes to lynch Tailgate
Fri 20:55
I shot Bumblebee
Fri 20:56
so we have 2 militia?
Fri 20:56
people seem to think that's weird
Fri 20:56
so if you are militia, and Tail will be smited
Fri 20:56
who you wanna vote
Fri 20:57
if you are villager
Fri 20:57
why dont we lynch another
Fri 20:57
we got 2 today
Fri 20:57
isnt it
Fri 20:57
he wants to lynch me
Fri 20:58
yes, although you know what, I've actually just maybe changed my mind about that
Fri 20:58
I don't know why you didn't point it out before
Fri 20:58
but with Tailgate inactive, you being Bloodhound doesn't actually make sense?
Fri 20:58
because if he really is inactive, who was the killing wolf last night, right?
Fri 20:58
me? :))
Fri 20:58
unless i'm a real life seer nope doesn't make any sense
Fri 20:59
so either there are 2 wolves + bloodhound left (RIP us) or you would have the be the killing wolf
Fri 20:59
alright? i think u might live
Fri 20:59
if i do not dir
Fri 20:59
Fri 20:59
will see
Fri 20:59
hmmm, although we have no proof Nautica actually did check Tailgate, right?
Fri 20:59
g9 guys
Fri 21:00
I hope I'm still alive tomorrow :/
Fri 21:00
yes, i still abit doubt nau
Fri 21:00
check tigate
Fri 21:00
definitely check him
Fri 21:01
or, do you mean '?' why isn't it night yet?
Fri 21:01
summer coming
Fri 21:01
Fri 21:02
I think Mod did something with the timer
Fri 21:04
Tailgate was lynched by the village
Sat 09:46
Grimlock was killed during the night
Sat 09:46
Cyclonus was killed during the night