You are viewing day 1 of a game of werewolves started on the 17-Jan-16 Mon on a 24 hour cycle (12h day, 12h night).
This is a spoiler free version, use the user button (top menu) to see who was alive at the time, and the calendar button or links below the chat to navigate through to different days.
You can play a game of online Mafia by joining the game currently in sign up. New players are welcome, but try to be active!
WickerbottomMon 13:04
Wickerbottom has joined the game
WendyMon 13:04
Wendy has joined the game
WX78Mon 13:04
WX78 has joined the game
SealMon 13:04
Seal has joined the game
WilsonMon 13:04
Wilson has joined the game
DeerclopsMon 13:04
Deerclops has joined the game
WarlyMon 13:04
Warly has joined the game
MaxwellMon 13:04
Maxwell has joined the game
WerepigMon 13:04
Werepig has joined the game
WoodlegsMon 13:04
Woodlegs has joined the game
WigfridMon 13:04
Wigfrid has joined the game
WalaniMon 13:04
Walani has joined the game
MactuskMon 13:04
Mactusk has joined the game
GobblerMon 13:04
Gobbler has joined the game
ModeratorMon 13:04
any issues, your mod is @kirschstein on discord or
Mon 13:05
if you missed this game, ext-106 is also planned to start today
GobblerMon 13:11
I am a Djinn
Mon 13:16
I am a Puppet
MactuskMon 14:17
WickerbottomMon 15:19
Day 108: Running out of food, starting to kill friendly pigs to survive. Their blood and gore is scattered all over the place. Chester quivers at the corner, knowing he would be next...
WilsonMon 15:19
Wonderfully wolly jolly witty wonday!
DeerclopsMon 15:25
dunno the theme, but I got antlers, so I must be a pretty cool character
WilsonMon 15:26
Mon 15:26
Mon 15:26
Mon 15:26
WigfridMon 15:44
Is "I am a Djinn" the new "I am a Werewolf"? xD
WX78Mon 15:52
I do gloriously hope so.
Mon 15:52
Mon 15:52
Mon 15:52
WendyMon 15:56
I'm always Wendy. It must be a sign.
WilsonMon 16:10
WX78 don't get wet bro
WarlyMon 16:54
i played like half an hour of dont starve at a friends house
Mon 16:55
i only recognise wilson :(
DeerclopsMon 16:56
I'm a bit concerned that we have to deal with a Werepig next to werewolves as well....
WarlyMon 16:56
seal looks the scariest tho :p
DeerclopsMon 16:58
idd x)
SealMon 16:59
I'm adorable!
WarlyMon 16:59
DeerclopsMon 17:01
Seal, got some advice for ya, be wary of Mactusk
SealMon 17:17
Does that have to do with the theme?
DeerclopsMon 17:18
dont even know the theme
Mon 17:19
more like a walrus eating a seal
Mon 17:19
its a bad joke sry
WoodlegsMon 17:42
Hail fellows
Mon 17:42
Can I have some antlers too?
Mon 17:42
They would look natty with my fetching headband
WarlyMon 17:52
and that dashing facial hair :)
WoodlegsMon 17:55
Ahahahaha, I always fool everyone with that. It's actually a goat kid I hold up in front of my face at all times.