You are viewing day 1 of a game of started on the 18-Nov-04 Sun on a 24 hour cycle (12h day, 12h night).
This is a spoiler free version, use the user button (top menu) to see who was alive at the time, and the calendar button or links below the chat to navigate through to different days.
You can play a game of online Mafia by joining the game currently in sign up. New players are welcome, but try to be active!
ModeratorSun 17:50
This game will start day at 09:00 UTC and start night at 21:00 UTC
LenoreSun 17:50
Lenore has joined the game
MalSun 17:50
Mal has joined the game
AthertonSun 17:50
Atherton has joined the game
DrCaronSun 17:50
DrCaron has joined the game
HigginsSun 17:50
Higgins has joined the game
MrUniverseSun 17:50
MrUniverse has joined the game
PatienceSun 17:50
Patience has joined the game
KayleeSun 17:50
Kaylee has joined the game
NandiSun 17:50
Nandi has joined the game
InaraSun 17:50
Inara has joined the game
TraceySun 17:50
Tracey has joined the game
SaffronSun 17:50
Saffron has joined the game
FantySun 17:50
Fanty has joined the game
MontySun 17:50
Monty has joined the game
FessSun 17:50
Fess has joined the game
SimonSun 17:50
Simon has joined the game
OperativeSun 17:50
Operative has joined the game
LawrenceSun 17:50
Lawrence has joined the game
RiverSun 17:50
River has joined the game
BesterSun 17:50
Bester has joined the game
WashSun 17:50
Wash has joined the game
SheriffBourneSun 17:50
SheriffBourne has joined the game
BadgerSun 17:50
Badger has joined the game
JubalEarlySun 17:50
JubalEarly has joined the game
JayneSun 17:50
Jayne has joined the game
NiskaSun 17:50
Niska has joined the game
ZoeSun 17:50
Zoe has joined the game
ShepherdBookSun 17:50
ShepherdBook has joined the game
MingoSun 17:50
Mingo has joined the game
StitchSun 17:50
Stitch has joined the game
MingoSun 17:54
Role list??
Sun 17:54
Where is it??
ModeratorSun 17:54
hahahaha you wish.
NiskaSun 17:55
Rolelist: demonlords alot of demonlords
Sun 17:55
nevermind me that doesnt exist I know :(
PatienceSun 17:56
NiskaSun 18:02
No pm and no vd as far as we can tell interesting
SimonSun 18:12
Evenin' all
Sun 18:12
No puppets eh?
Sun 18:13
Good to know
Sun 18:14
Looking forward to seeing what kinda hoedown we have on our hands
TraceySun 18:27
Hey everyone
SimonSun 18:32
Hey Tracey
ShepherdBookSun 18:34
No puppets doesn't mean we don't have coven. Nor does no zombie mean we haven't got undead.
SimonSun 18:35
Correct Book
ShepherdBookSun 18:35
Remind me... Was there a game recently where a voodoo doc started without a zombie?
Sun 18:36
I seem to recollect a discussion about if it was possible.
SimonSun 18:37
Can't say I know
MingoSun 18:39
I am very much looking forward to hearing about new demon roles
SimonSun 18:40
I wonder if we have a Grave Warden
NandiSun 18:55
Alrighty, I'm gonna pick a random name from the list and accuse them of evility.
Sun 18:55
Sun 18:55
Sheriff Bourne just screams evil!
Sun 18:56
Eh, I actually don't think so.
Sun 18:56
Why did it start so... early?
MingoSun 18:58
I'm craving for activity. Please don't go inactive ^^
NandiSun 19:00
*goes inactive for two whole minutes*
Sun 19:01
Anyway, I'm proud I got the name of Nandi.
MingoSun 19:01
I checked Nandi as vampire N0
Sun 19:01
It's in my role description
NandiSun 19:01
I checked Mingo as Demonlord.
Sun 19:01
Don't worry I'm Hellhound.
MingoSun 19:01
Role description: Lynch Nandi, you checked her as a vampire
NandiSun 19:02
That's very assertive.
MingoSun 19:02
#mingo has been smited (copy and paste of role description)
NandiSun 19:02
I see you have read the rules.
Sun 19:02
Sun 19:03
as not many people have the patience to go through the text.
WashSun 19:08
"Do not ask for (or volunteer) information from outside the game."
Sun 19:08
Alright chaps, looks like we can't discuss anything that doesn't happen here.
Sun 19:09
So no Wikipedia links!
SimonSun 19:10
But if we talk about it, it is then "in game"
SheriffBourneSun 19:10
Nice weather, eh?
Sun 19:10
*gets smited for discussing stuff from outside the game*
WashSun 19:10
Officially, there is no such thing as World War II.
SheriffBourneSun 19:10
Nor cutlery.
WashSun 19:10
Mostly because there is no such thing as World War I.
NiskaSun 19:10
Can I link pastebin with a diary entry how I feel today?
NandiSun 19:14
Actually, I was wondering if I could ask someone how the weather is on their end, if they could check outside, but that's a clear violation of the rules.
SheriffBourneSun 19:14
It is
WashSun 19:15
There is a cloud.
ModeratorSun 19:16
That's a leaf on the wind
PatienceSun 19:17
A leaf on the wind is not a cloud
WashSun 19:18
Like a turd. In the wind.
NandiSun 19:20
Curiosity killed the cake.
Sun 19:20
Also, apologies for my accusation, Mr. Sheriff.
SheriffBourneSun 19:23
AthertonSun 19:37
Sun 19:40
I don't know who I am but I seem to be contemplating something
SimonSun 19:50
Too soon mod too soon!
Sun 19:51
Ath, you're a douche. Sorry mate.
NandiSun 19:53
Oh yeah, Daylight Savings Time just happened.
Sun 19:54
It's just a matter of will the game end at 20:00 UTC...
Sun 19:54
or 21:00 UTC!
SimonSun 19:58
In an hour-ish
MingoSun 20:05
PatienceSun 20:06
Sun 20:06
StitchSun 20:26
A furry in the wild
KayleeSun 20:29
ShepherdBook Sun 18:35 Remind me... Was there a game recently where a voodoo doc started without a zombie?
Sun 20:29
Yes, there was.
Sun 20:30
Very recently.
MrUniverseSun 20:32
There was a discussion, there is no vd without a zombie
KayleeSun 20:32
There was a game that started without a zombie.
MrUniverseSun 20:32
But it didn't have a vd
KayleeSun 20:33
As it happens I was the VD in that game.
Sun 20:33
Then we are talking about different ones so nm :)
MrUniverseSun 20:33
Sun 20:33
How does VD work without a zombie?
KayleeSun 20:33
See his question please.
Sun 20:34
Till i read that i didnt even know vd started with a zombie xD
MrUniverseSun 20:34
The role needs a zombie otherwise I don't know how it works
Sun 20:34
Because it needs to swap the target with the zombie
KayleeSun 20:34
You zombify a target at night.
MrUniverseSun 20:35
Ok, so where does the player go?
KayleeSun 20:35
You have control over it for 2 days after which it dies
Sun 20:35
I haven't been on the other side. Sorry xD
MrUniverseSun 20:36
But that's the point, to zombify someone, you swap a player with your zombie, then kill the player
KayleeSun 20:36
MrUniverseSun 20:36
Hence the need for a zombie
KayleeSun 20:36
I have no idea. I just went with the flow. I didnt have a zombie when it started.
JubalEarlySun 20:37
MrUniverseSun 20:39
Kaylee, was it a speed game, or a long game? I don't recall any games with a VD that didn't have a zombie
KayleeSun 20:39
It was an Ext.
Sun 20:39
Maybe a month back.
MrUniverseSun 20:40
Ah, fair enough. I wasn't around for any ext that wasn't the previous one
KayleeSun 20:40
but I do think it was 295. I cant be sure
MrUniverseSun 20:43
That game definetly had a zombie
Sun 20:43
And 2 puppets
KayleeSun 20:43
Umm remember the theme/
Sun 20:43
MrUniverseSun 20:44
Game of thrones
KayleeSun 20:44
Wasnt that then.
Sun 20:44
Sun 20:44
The recent got theme was WLF
Sun 20:44
wasnt ext
Sun 20:44
MrUniverseSun 20:45
Fair enough
Sun 20:46
Ext 295 was GOT, anything ext before that I cannot help I'm afraid
KayleeSun 20:46
Okay then! :)
Sun 20:46
Its human to err.
Sun 20:46
My bad.
MrUniverseSun 20:47
No worries.
ModeratorSun 20:59
A chill wind blows, the warmth of day is at its end...