The game is over, this is post game log when real identites and roles are revealed
This is a spoiler free version, use the user button (top menu) to see who was alive at the time, and the calendar button or links below the chat to navigate through to different days.
You can play a game of online Mafia by joining the game currently in sign up. New players are welcome, but try to be active!
ModeratorSun 22:01
Village Victory!
NazgulSun 22:02
Well, that was an interesting one.
Sun 22:03
Well played guys.
Sun 22:03
Grumpy, can you send me details about the GD bug (, I haven't been able to reproduce it. Also not happy about you using it in your defense, but what
Sun 22:03
Sun 22:03
(*what's done is done)
BruceSun 22:19
Congrats guys
KirkSun 22:19
Sun 22:19
also, I can't believe you guys thought I was the SS! :'(
Sun 22:19
where's the trust!?!
BruceSun 22:19
I really was the Protector for the record
Sun 22:20
Also the night I died, I could have actually saved myself but decided to save Grumpy cause people said I should
ThorSun 23:53
The funny thing is, I was the fake seer and I was the one who said Kirk may be SS. Tho I was already exposed as fake seer, they still believed in mine checks xD
SkywalkerMon 03:02
the bug caused too much drama
ThorMon 07:54
I know right... Tho you may not be on the website long enough to know that: As long as Potato7 is in a game, there will always be drama.
DiabloMon 09:42
Jesus christ yeah how long has he been allowed around? 36 is...madness.
Mon 09:43
and sorry Thor ;-; you did good! Although when Grumpy came back with all the info I may have doubted you again anyway :P Tony was too pure
Mon 09:44
I hope he didn't lose heart in playing here D:
Mon 09:49
I brought 3 friends here , to 37, I hope they have a good experience with no dramas
Mon 09:50
Unless actual game related ones :3
Mon 10:03
Sad that you guys had the inactive SS :(
MagnetoMon 10:19
Lol Bruce still claiming protector :)
Mon 10:20
I expect tony to come in now and say he really was seer
Mon 10:20
The Skywalker Lynch was a good one
ModeratorMon 13:18
ext-038 is currently in sign-up for anyone who wants to play again
ThorMon 16:49
Skywalker could have claimed something like Gravedigger. But then it means that Sabretooth would have gotten lynched =_=... So hard and frustrating.
Mon 17:07
For village to lose this game - The village have to lynch 4 wrong people in 4 days - Huntsman and Protector doesn't protect any correct target
Mon 17:10
None of you guys are talking at 037 :o
Mon 17:39
Oh Roy of 37 is Diablo of 35 xD
DiabloMon 18:07
Mon 18:07
You one of the dead ones? :(
Mon 18:09
Oh nvm I see that more people talked now
NazgulMon 18:57
Don't tell people who you are, makes you a target ;) Is anyone in ext-036 here and having issues? If so, please email me at, don
Mon 18:57
(*don't reply here)
DiabloMon 20:46
He guessed. I guess it's obvious. But if I were wolf I wouldn't go for people I recognised first that's so sad ;-;
ThorMon 23:39
Mod, it is just so easy to tell who enna and potato7 is :P